Very entertaining
notbad of a little flash you have here i thought your {MENU} screen could have looked better the one with the present and the play button a few things you could work on here would be adding some {COLOR} atleast to the present and the play buton you should give it more of a button like box or something, LOL the toon is short and very funny, the {AUDIO} is very scratchy, you may want to ad some {SUBTITLES} so you can better understand the dialog, but other then that it was still very funny, and since the toon was very short, maybe you should add a number of short tunes in one flash so that you have more {VARIATY} in there, just another idea that could improve on this cute flash, by the way great short toon, maybe abit more color next time.. anyways great stuff good luck on any other new stuff you got going on.
on the menue screen ad a touch of color like the present and make the {PLAY} more of a button just an idea though, more color all around would be nice, I would suggest to improve on the flash short you could add more shorts and put them all on one flash instead of just the one, but having alot in one flash would make it more entertaining, and make the flash longer with more to see, also adding some subtitles would help as the audio was scratchy.
Short and cute flash, could have abit more and some few changes as stated above.