notbad at all
so this was one huge file not a big issue there was alot you put up forward, i would slowly push things and characters, some art detail could also be focused on, it was abig production almost seemed as if you were rushing it, now as i get into this it was right away funny especially with the first scene and that lil "VERY" cute indeed, great intro too, infact i find the "HUMOR" the best part so thats a plus, the characters are good but a tad more deatils here and there wouldnt all and all this was a good pice, great voices decent visuals and funny story parts. untill next time keep up the decent flashworks.
As mentioned above some art details here and there could be mentioned, the charcters could use abit of that, just more overall detail in that area and such,
fun movie with a medal always a plus, good graphics, decent voices i enjoyed it.