Wow nice
First of all great flash you have presented here, I was facinated with everything here, now some parts could be better and there could be some new ideas and adjustments but I really enjoyed it for what it was, and hope to see much more of your work soon. So starting off here is always hard but to get the ball rolling, i really did enjoy your presentation. Wow this was really good, you pushed the limits on thi one, the "VOCALS" are really impressive on this one, the visuals are really good and you had some nice animation flowing from scene to next, the music was fitting, but almost seems like the animation was too fast for the music seems like it needed more of a faster music tone, but it was alright, and the ending with the real person that was verynice and a good touch to cap it off, onlything i would like to see improved here might be some "SUBTITLES" but other then that this was alright stuff. There was alot of great things in this flash, some could be better like some little details here and there, but not much but still some stuff could take a looking into as suggested of course, the flash itself kept me interested and wanting to see more, so hope to see more of your works sometime soon. Untill then keep up the awsome work and efforts.
This was a good animation it has a smooth side of things and the style and direction was ok, but i believe that there needs to be an even smooth effort on things, the flash was decent, but i must say there are still some clever ways you can make this better, such as using varias ideas and advice that will in the endmake this more quality then it is, just something to think about. This was ok but it wouldnt hurt to add some subtitles, not because anything was hard to hear or anything but because its just something extra that would make this abit better to understand and its like a nice little feature for your flash here, and if it is hard for some to understand, then they would have the option of subtitles.