
11,872 Game Reviews

706 w/ Responses

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Nice work

Hmmmmmm ok well sorry you took it off, i would have liked to see it, but also remember that a bad review can help out more then a good review it may point out points of improvment well i hope you dont give up and still submit work as it is only for entertainment anyhow


Funny stuff

I will review more in detail in just a tad but sofar its decent In some ways or another this is underrated but has a swanky style to it but I like what you have made here Ok well notbad, i liked it, maybe add more death options, or even three paths that could be taked either death or good, nice little interactive game, keep it up


WolfySnackrib responds:

Jeez! I made this twenty years ago!! Yeah, it'll be a bit simplistic since I was just a kid playing around with Flash haha.

Nice game

Well this is funny to me cause you see i also made a dress-up on the 5th as you made yours on the 6th of the month, mine was called P-BOT dress-up hehe anyways its funny cause we have the only two p-bot things on newgrounds, but anyways you forgot Tricky the clown, anyways nice work, im a dress up fan, so i liked this one, keep up the good work



So reviewing is not always easy but I would like to say that you have done well here, you have presented a decent entry here Hehe ok that was abit fun, my only advice would be to speed up the wheels when spinning, overall not bad work keep it going strong



overall I was pleased with everything here and wouldnt mind seeing a bit more buzz and pazazz onto it but its pretty good sofar I like the stlye you had going here, i thaught the text was abit small, and it had a few glichs, but still has some promise to it, would like to see more soon, keep it up


Another fun quiz game

The Iq Chamber nice indeed Quizz games can be fun and entertaining and thats exactly what you have created here today, I really enjoyed it the quizz element of it all was fun and entertaining, a very interesting quizz game If I do say so myself, not just Another fun quiz game, you added your own twist and style to it and I was pretty impressed with it all nice job indeed, I love your idea of this game and you really bring it full circle.



This was fun but could use more visual detail and maybe even a preloader Well here was a fun game I love your idea of this game and you really bring it full circle, A really entertaining game a great quizz if you ask me I like it, I found this game to be unoque and has its own twist of detail so nice job Its games like this that really make them even more fun with the small elements that it has fun and entertaining quiz type of game here you bring on some nice elements and small details that shine.


Nice game

Ok this game had it all, great game play, fast action, nice explosions, an overall great game, now im not a sprite fan but it was decent, wouldnt mind seeing some art in there though, but anyways great game



This was a good concept and was worthwhile so good job and I hope the rest is just as good and thats what I enjoy on this one the fine details indeed Hmmmmmm ok well the card thingie was ok, but i would like to see more story to this, i really like the chars in it, and could make for a good little series, anyways keep up the decent work, it looks good.



Now here you have some refreshing splash of ideas and you have even brought fourth some nice elements aswell also bringing some fun excitement OK heh well like i said before the card thing is cool, but make this thing into a series with those chars, you do have somthing there


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