
11,872 Game Reviews

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Fun game

A unique and fun experience here this was a terrific piece and very acceptable and may I add professional style to the mix anyways nice job here Ya this was very entertaining, the lasers hit on contact and its abit tricky to get past them at times, the game is fun but could use some backrounds, nice job though


Games plus sprites awsome

Games like this are awsome especially with all the sprite elements and detail within the game itself, Well any Games plus sprites is always awsome and you have set the limits here with this one, I really like what you have done here and you bring on some amazing visuals in this game and make the game that much better and I for one am very impressed with it all, And on top of that the game itself has some nice results from gameplay and end results, So for me that was a big plus on things.



Ha this was rather cute, the artwork was smooth looking, and the funny music made it for a pleasing and entertaining game, some advice if i may, give better instructions for new viewers, but it was a fun game


Fun and brilliant

This here is a fun and brilliant game, you bring some joy to sprite games all the way around so really nice job here Nice details on this game and for me that was a big plus on things really hope you do make more games like this one because these are pretty nifty and are a style all on its own, The details really shined on this game here some really cool detail points and nice sprite elements, Games like this are awsome especially with all the sprite elements and detail within the game itself You cant go wrong with some sprite game types like this one you have created here, anyways keep doing what you enjoy from the creative mind.


A game filled with sprites

really nice job here, A wild game here and nifty sprites the sprites really make this even more fun then the game is, A game filled with sprites is awsome the game style and game play here was really nice I like the game idea here and those sprites are very nifty.


A masterpiece of sprites

it was kinda neat with the different characters, it could use some sorta cool navugation among the characters, anyways it was cool. you bring on some amazing visuals in this game A masterpiece of sprites with this entry and overall from start to finish you cant go wrong with some sprite work like you have done here so awsome job indeed, I really like what you have done here so do make more.


A nifty sprite game

Amazing sprite filled game lots of nice details with all the sprites and shiny details and that alone makes this a fun, you have some nice game work here and the sprite detail is uncanny with all its shiny element and details, you should make more like this one.


Decent game

I thought this was spectacular and even divine at times You added alot of Amenities to this which made this fun That was great, loved it, now me a dress-up fan that was decent, i like the option of a next that was neat, my advice would be add more items and then maybe some music, great work


Cool vibe on this

I find this a very good game I won't be too harsh though as I love these kinds of games and overall you did do a decent job on this one Well nice artwork, but its only a demo so cant fully review it, looks good i like all the different moving parts in the game, nice job


A fun quiz game

A fun celeberty fun element Its games like this that really make them even more fun with the small polish designs and details about them, You have A fun quiz game here it really has some interesting aspects that really make this a fun game and a fun quizz game at that, you have some really interesting ideas but most of all this was a fun little quizz game here and hope you make more soon, Regardless I found this game to be unoque and has its own twist of detail so nice job.


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