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This was fun for a bit it has some fun music too with some really nice control system as it was easy to move mario around and I had some fun with this one, so for me this was pretty fun indeed, love the funny graphics too



So this was notbad I like the floppy bird element and have to say those fire trees are something else lol, but also like this game for the art style but better yet the mechanis some nice game here hope you make more soon



Ha notbad, a soundboard of terror, i like the buttons with decent effects, and i like that there was some clips but maybe make clips with each button, but it was neat and abit different then normal soundboards Nore clips with buttons. Funny and creepy clips nice soundboard



Notbad, i actually made one of these before, but anyways this was decent could use more props, but other then that it was some decent work, so nice job, keep it up. Add more props. A good dress up like game this style of game and is refreshing to see people add depth and detail such as you have done here anyways nice job


Nice one

Notbad, it was kinda interesting, but you may want to lower the filesize that was abit much, but all n all it was decent and notbad work for your first, hope to see more from you, keep up the decent game/flash work Try and compress the file size nobody likes a large movie some people dont even watch a large file, so in that aspect your draw away users from veiwing your work, so a little compression would improve on this Interesting yet fun game.



The grapphics were very impressive, seems like some good amount time with this, but props to you on some very impressive graphics, and the game was actually fun very wellmade, i had lots of fun with it, so nice job on your part, hpe to see more games like this in the near future. I would just leave it as is. A fun game, very neat look to it but fun game indeed.


Magical and pixel

Fun game the medals seem a bit hard, A nice and magical pixel game I love the fact that games have a strong pixel element and you have done that here on this game the game was fun and had some good playthrough I do love that pixel designed around the game it really makes the game shine, That 10,000 medal was interesting lol


Unique game

So this was a unique game you have created here I found this particular game pretty fun gameplay wise, At first was not sure how to pick up your powerups but soon figured it out, The music was really good and fits right in with all this style of game so overall a fun game here



So this was notbad you gave this game an interesting element but I had some fun with this game, The simple dodge the objects and stay alive somehow was what brings some fun into the game, you have kept it real this was a very nice game but anyways a good little game here


Interesting game

So you have something interesting here its a nice avoide type of game but has some nice features that come with, It does have a simplistic element and im ok with that because it does bring on some fun interactivity, The music was actually my fave part there is a good mix of sounds and music


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