
11,872 Game Reviews

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Well notbad with this game here its pretty fun Well this was fun and pretty unique too, Understanding enemy patterens is key for this game, I really like the variation of everything here and the pace of how the game plays out graphics and music really came in good too


Well this was an intereting and unique type of game here very artistic the way you have the arn and how it all animates as you move along really nice artiistic style here with this game, The medals are nice and the game mechanics are fun so awsome job all around here


Well this was interesting I like how the music notes relate to things on this game and while the music doesnt reflect it too much its all about the notes and that makes for a fun and interactive game here, so for me this was pretty fun and entertaining indeed


This was an interetsing game most of all the upgrades really come into play and make things better wish we had more details of each upgrades, Overall this is fun to play for a short period of time but I did like this game and hope you make more like this soon


Now this was notbad of a game The game can be a little hard but can be overcame with the style of play, the puzzle systems are notbad and fun, I like the whole nes element that this pushes but again I found this game to be fun and entertaining so nice work here on this one


You always bring on something extra and it shows well variation between each level was a unique element, But anyways you bring some of that popular artistic element and thats what I have enjoyed you bring on some nice details and fun puzzle systems


I think the character could be faster moving instead of sluggish, The music was notbad but also could use more mixture all throughout, And I would say the visual graphics are pretty nice so awsome job with that and overall this was a nice game here


Very fun Very fun and fast paced, the action starts right off, the controls are easy to Handle, the game is fast and makes for great replay value, a game I found myself playing 2x and 4x after, so I was entertained, thanks for making such a fun game but anyways keep making these


A great one This was a very good game, the game play with response was very smooth and well entertaining, very pleased with the outcome, the top view was cool, and there was lots to see, so it was not so bland like some games, nice game though, hope to see more soon anyways until next time


Entertaining Well not bad it was entertaining and fun, the idea of it race with cakes was interesting heh, the controls seemed a bit confusing at first, but soon figured it out, kind of fun game, and great visual colors and effects, so not bad, hope to see more soon anyways nice job


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