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So I found the game interesting but also found it to be pretty hard even out the gate, The simple design is really nice here and the music really was nice in this one, Very challenging even too hard at times fast moving, and quick restart ability also made it more fun and entertaining


Well notbad with this Nyan cat my hero #2 lol, The flying pigs they are something else lol, And I have to say the third boss was a bit on the tough side, I would call this a masterpiece of design in a simple and silly way lol anyways good little game here


Well these types of games always interest me, It brings on some interesting mechanics and and the levels do progressivly get better and even harder, The medals are nice and that last level was interesting there is some strategy needed for this game but overall its pretty fun


A nice game style here and unique Its kind of like a train your brain style of game and thats something that kept me interested, It's really simple but I like the medals and the music all these features made for a fun game indeed, The variety made me want to keep playing anyways nice work here


This had an old school systems style but thats what I liked about it, Repeating stages was a good thing to earn even more gold/cash on this game, As for the music a bit starnge but was still a fun part of this game here, The game is not bad at all, I personally really like the Idea behind it so keep doing what you do


Well notbad this was another fun and silly game I do think some adding on more medals would really be something to keep people playing and such, and more fun features and options would also be a big plus, but anyways it was a fun and entertaining one


Well this was fun and seemed rather easy to get the medals and high scores the whole visual interface could be much improved sleekier design frsh look and such, but overall this was something fun and interesting here so keep up the fun game works


Decent game here Heh notbad, could be improved, like a better aim-er, and some more detail and shadowing in the backgrounds, and the enemies, the sound/FX was cool, though and made it for a better game, just needs a few touches but regardless hope to see advancment in this game here


Fun this game was fun, at first I wasn't sure to expect, it was fun though with the worm eating away, kind of fast but soon got the hang of it, very fun and entertaining, so nice work, hope to see more games like this in the near future anyways nice efforts


Decent game but needs work Well this was a bit freaky but funny none the less, I also found myself right clicking to press play again and again to go to the next scene which was not a good thing, but like i said it was somewhat funny


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