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A fun game

I like your style of game here and look forward to even more I found this to be a fun dress up, a really nice game I like the end results of this particular dress up some decent options showcased, but regardless some nice work and look forward to more. You do have a fun game here with some very good music to go with the medals are nice some added options and more effects would be a plus on this game,

I got a positive experience from this one, you have shown us this great piece sofar, You already have a professional touch on this one so with a few extras it wouldnt hurt, with some small moderation ofcourse, a pretty fun dress up game, it's nice how you can select different colors for the character anyways keep making creative games as you have done here.


Nice game

No Lackluster areas of this one, You still have a good representation and a very acceptable game with good standards, I really like what you did here with the simple side of things and the stick element you seem to have all sorts of mixture in this game also really liked the bios so you did put some nice effort into this little game you have here, The music was a nice touch too as are the medals and have to say the medals were not hard to get.

So with this I was pretty impressed you bring the stick element and you make it a fun and pleasent game with some interesting outcomes on the dates and such the diff medals was nice, but anyways nice job on this piece theres not much else to say other then I was enjoyed with this and your work, that you have set up here for us.


Nice shooter

So this was a nice shooter game you had here very simple too starts off fast but was still a pretty solid game, also love the sound FX that went with this game, my initial this had some more Positive then the Negitive, It actually Contains alot of interesting ideas surrounding it and such, and by the end it was more on a Spectacular level, This was a very Acceptable flash game and I enjoyed it very much, I wouldnt want any eliminating done other then some small improvments, but honestly you have captured it all.

The game is fun and I have to say somewhat hard but that was the fun part about the game really some intense action and you have to really think on your toes but onestly had lots of fun with this game and the graphics was notbad and while sinple still a fun game, so dont ever judge a book by its cover, because this was better as you get more into it, and I really enjoyed the idea of this game, but anyways really nice game here.


Space Invaders element

This was one of the more hard space invader types A Space Invaders element of a game this is a fun classic that has all the right moments within it with all the action of the classic and some new visisions and such, a great game here you put some nice energy into this old classic its a fun game that you have created.


A classic into new

The ship design could have more design about them and such So this is like A classic into new, and you really know how to make this classic style look good and besides all that this was actually a pretty fun game with a great element of fun visuals too, so with all that mentioned it was pretty impressive.


A Classic

I like the groovy colors and element in this one A classic indeed, I like your style and love how you push the vibe it seems to all come together with some nice work nifty effects and details you know how to make a good classic, but regardless of all that this was pretty good stuff and a fun classic.



Well another fun and amazing game the idea and concept are pretty solid for this game some very intense and fun gameplay smooth and precise very welldone game and hope you make even more just as good so props to you on a fantastic game here look forward to more.

None needed


A fun game here

I found this to be a fun game you have made here, I think adding in some english versions like the instructions would be a plus, This was a different kind of game and you made items respond so it was a plus, but regardless this was pretty fun and I have enjoyed it.

As mentioned some added english version.


A unique game

So I unnecessarily clicked on this entry not really knowing what it was but then I found out that it was pretty awsome I found this little platformer style of a game was unique the visual effects the gameplay just very unique indeed, its games like this that really make me enjoy the small details and efforts as you have presented here so nice game and hope to see more, I like the mario style of game the control base was very crisp a simple game with some nice boss fights I think adding in some added effects especially with end boss fights would be a plus, the game runs smooth and do think more medals could be added.

I think adding in more medals for more low key points like jumps and such would be nice, and I liked this for a number of reasons You even gave it a Professional look at times and that was a plus on things, And I think things could be better here, It was a swanky element that you added into this one, It even had a divine feel of a game you really made it fun but again wish there was more levels and more medal options, but anyways this is a good submission of a game and hope you make more great games for us.


TwistedFW responds:

Wow I really appreciate your comment! Thanks for letting me know how you feel! I could def add some more things at the end of the boss! And I will get to work on some smaller medals as well. Like, jump a certain amount of times (as stated by you). This is a lovely comment and I'm glad you enjoyed ^-^

Nice sound board

Something different and I really like that you have like a story with this so awsome job, this was a fun sound board you have a nice style of element on this game its a nice submission, I like the whole look of this sound board too its pretty nice visually and fun with all the sounds aswell I had fun with this one and would love to see more of.


Orangebeef responds:

Get a life dude

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