
11,872 Game Reviews

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Notbad of a game here This particular game is a nice little time waster and thats a good thing, Its a good game with simple controls and a simple yet addicting gameplay but those are just a few things that I came to enjoy about this game here, So please do make more like this


Well this was something special here the nightmare quest was pretty nice some fun and dark elements too, It can be a little laggy or choppy at times, A few things could be improved like more player interaction and making the game itself more challanging but honestly this was a pretty fun point and click style of a game here


Well I always love me a fun action shooter like you have created here with this one, Always needing to get more ammo was key for this game, And it was a good challange some improved instruction would be great on this game here its a nice game fun and entertaining game idea


Well this was an interesting action platformer game, Some luck based elements needed for this game and some skills needed from prev levels needed for other levels, Maxing out the upgrades is a plus and much needed for completion of this game, Anyways nice work here


The pixel element on this game was nice the action shooter was a plus and the multi directional was another plus, Enemies seem to spawn randomly but not too fun when right in front of you, There is a luck based element to the game so gotta hope for the best too lol


I like the ninja based platformer game here with some nifty interactivity too, the different colors that let you perform different actions gives it some unique style to the game and the ninjas, To play fully without a death would be really tough, but overall a fun ninja game here


Cool Well not bad, you have a nice eye for detail, it look easy because even if these games are not hard to make you have added in your own twist i love the interface and menu's very nice indeed, the style was great and lots of originality, it just starts a bit slow but does pick up, but most of all its fun.


Fun Nice work on the design and set-up, a bit more color here and there would be nice, a bit laggy, sometimes large view screens do contribute to more lag, but I'm sure you knew that already, anyways it was fun and interesting, hope to see more soon


Nifty game Neat game, I love Tetris, but you put a whole new twist on this one, the sounds were great as well, the design and graphics was also nice, and as for the animation and special effects very neat, so you did put a twist and made a classic even better, so not bad.


Well this was another fun and artistic game here, painting parody quizzes are very nice and a nice concept here, A lot of females called venus lol, So this was a great game here its pretty creative and stylish here fun and keeps you playing so nice game here


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