
11,872 Game Reviews

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A little tough when needing 100% but I understand the idea here, A little outdated but still pretty fun to this day, A challanging quizz style game but once you figure it out its pretty nifty, Overall this was a fun and interesting little game here


I found the visual art and graphics on this game to be pretty nice the story element reminds me of another game I once played many moons ago lol, The gameplay comes in pretty nice with this particular game and is pretty fun and can be an addictive game


I like this and its a fun and interesting puzzle game, the cannons i think they are cannons are notbad and its an interesting ay of the game to use them, The art and what I did see of it was nice but could use even more art style but anyways nice game here


Another skill game at we have a fun and unique one here the game itself is a little hard but also has some nice gameplay maybe think about adding in an easier mode of some types, There seems to be a lot of these types of games but you really did put the effort in on this one


A nice puzzle style game with some interesting puzzle systems, I have come to admit that this really is a creative game the stylish game is fun and even with level 3 being very tough I still liked the game here, Clever and nifty game here very creative in my book


This was a little fun game here on the site something fun and unique but you give it some nice style, I like the retro graphics some more precise instructions would be nice eventhough with a little digging its there, But overall this was a fun little game


Very nice Well it is a nice game, i like the way you set it up, and sounds were really nice. The sounds were the best thing in this game, and the gameplay was good, a bit too hard, but still fun. The animations were ok, but there was not much color, and it was a bit too small, maybe next time you could make it bigger, and add some color to it, its still a nice game though and I look for the future of any new games you may have in store for us


Good fun Well not bad, i like the idea you have here, and the way you can have to players at once was cool. The gameplay was nice, and your controls were ok, maybe you could add some more levels, its still good though. There was no sounds, and it could use some to make it more fun, maybe next time you could add some sounds, but it is still a pretty fun game so keep making fun games


Fun This was a really fun game, I like the gameplay, and the way the sword moved looked really nice. The animations were drawn good, and your backgrounds looked really nice. The gameplay is smooth, and the control are nice, I like how can Chop off their heads, and jump over firepits Anyways fun game keep it up


I like the game even like the starwars element in this some fun little ideas here, I really loved the gameplay of this particular game It have some fun play of it all with some entertaining fun, So on my end notes here its fun very interactive nice game play and fun


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