
11,872 Game Reviews

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The game was not bad the controls seemed like they could run smoother and with more ease, I like that you have a few mini games and that actually makes it fun, Graphics are nice but can be different from point to point and thats not really a bad thing, But anyways a fun little game here


So at first was confused with this one but soon figured things out and thats the fun part, Its a survey type here and thats ok its a fun little game with some interesting aspects but gives off some nice visuals and some fun game results so nice game you have created


This is notbad but can take a abit if going for the thousand I belive other variations of the collection would be nice even if they had different types of collecting and you could ad on different medals for that type too, So more to collect would be a plus for this game


I like wow, this was a great game, I like how original and detailed the game is. The gameplay is good, and the control are easy to handle, I like how you can pick a difficulty in the game. The animations are well detail, and smooth, and I like how the characters look in this so keep that aspect up in future games


good one This was sort of fun, kind of reminded me of the times at the carnival and stuff, it was a bit hard you need to have really fast reflexes just to even get one even if that, it could use some better colors to give a better design and all, fun game though. hope to see more of this type


Pretty fun So this game was actually pretty fun I actually played this before a while ago but never got around to finishing it I have to say you have a nice game here it's fun the controls and Ai are really good and I like the music on this there is really no changes needed on this piece it's pretty fantastic of a game and it was entertaining, so make more fun games like this sometime soon Make more of these fun and nifty games.


Interesting well this was an interesting game. I like it and I do think you could ad much more medals to this and have more exciting moments to find more medals and such, but overall it was a decent little game you have here, and ways make more games sometime soon and grace us with great games Adding more medals would be fun.


Platformer games are great and you created a pretty creative one here, a little slippery by some of those moving platforms but thats what made this fun, A short game here but could use more challange and more depth to it, But anyways a really fun game here some nice gameplay


An interesting platformer puzzle game here some really nice mechanics with this game, And I would say the conrols dont take much to master, Would have loved more of a story with this game would give it more depth etc, Anyways good game here keep it up


Notbad of a game here has some unique elements all throughout the game, Controls could be somewhat smoother and more response faster times, I like the arcade mode was pretty interesting of a game, but anyways a fun little game here some nice work indeed


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