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So this was a fun little game it does have a ms paint style and thats ok some of the controls are not smooth but maybe that the intent, overall its still a fun game and I really enjoyed the skill of it but the art and graphics could be better, I guess I'm a little late on reviewing this. but thought I would go ahead and get started on it now, and there were alot of fun and amusing things about this so dont know where to start but there was some nice and entertaining areas that I really liked. This is not Spectacular but its getting there.


capner responds:

Every game I made during the 2010's I'm not real proud of. I'm working on making better content.

A wild and fun pac-Man

This one had a nice comical element about that and that brings on some of the entertainment cant go wrong with some pac-man and glad I had a chance to play this you have created A wild and fun pac-Man not just straight forward but you added a little something to it, but most of all I had fun with this classic game as its still entertaining.


Some pac-man delight

Its a pac-Clinton mix lol love the little thing of howmany emails deleted haha I like what you have done here with this one some nice detail here, nice effects and overall a fun classic game with a twist, these games are simple but this one just kind of jumps out at you with a unique flavour so really nice work here anyways nice game.


Simple yet complex pac-man

you cant go wrong with some classic pac-man I found this one to be a Simple yet complex pac-man game your own style always trumps the improved versions and you have created a fun yet simple version here so keep doung what you do best its a pleasure to review.


A fun text adventure

Well you cant go wrong with a text adventure game such as this it was even comical at times couldnt complete them all but it was a fun game and a nice change from the normal stuff out there, I have reviewed somany of these kinds of games from the worst to some average ones to the best ones out there, And this entry would be right up there, its not perfect but its notbad either, its pretty fun aswell as some good fun comes with this one. keep up the good work and let it Thrive, and Thrive it will with your talent at hand.


A cute game

So the graphics on this game was nice and cute and the music was fitting making it even more fun and enjoyble, The whole going back and fourth was anoying but it still made it to be a fun game, The graphics was nifty pixels and whatnot reminded me of the old tandy pcs back in the day lol, In todays world of games you tend to see alot of the same of maybe this or maybe that, but what you have is is something thats different from the rest.

Your style, your effort, and your quality, so in that sense you have made it different for sure and even unique from the rest of what we tend to see. This was a pretty positive experience, and I have enjoyed all that you showed us on this one, Even the medals are fun and not too hard so nice game here, and I do hope you make more games like this one untill next one.


These are fun

Well I have to say these types of games are fun the whole space element and shooting is always a fun element and you presented it well so nice game indeed, At first this one seemed cluttered but then it wasnt, it was all so Spectacular and had a sort of professional feeling about it, allthough there are some things that could be re-worked so its not so lackluster in some areas but mostly it was pretty good, and as I continue on I look forward to more nifty ideas, so keep the mind flowing with many more great game submissions.


Very nice

These games are always kind of fun and really seems like you have a lot of contributers and all talented, the medals are nice and made this fun, Its actually a really fun first person shooter with some fast response times so that was a plus, the art was simple but thats also what made it even more fun, I think you could have extended it and ad in even more NG people.

Did not take long to get all the medals was actually fun, you have submitted something fun and interesting here, you have also kept my interest and made for an enjoyble experiece, and I got a kick out of this, I even had a chuckle or two out of it all and I guess thats the idea, so keep more ideas comming and of course medals are always a plus, anyways good game here.


plufmot responds:

Me Levi and Zizou made this in a few hours. Everyone is just attached to the project because we put them in the game aha

pollyanoid responds:

plufmot made this on accident by spilling some chemicals

A fun game

The medals in this game really came in handy and made the game a little extra fun, Some added gun and weapon upgrades could really improve on this game, art and graphics was notbad but could use some added detail, Its a simple and fun game, So ultimately I was not even looking for anything special today, just some random portal entries but thats before I came across yours, This has a Swanky and Divine touch it, I could see you even eliminating some stuff here and there that were not needed, but thats some talk for later, sofar you have a good entry here, it should bring joy for years.


A fun car game

This was actually a fun car game the controls could be smoother and more refined the graphics are pretty nice and enjoyed the game even liked that there was a lot of medals for this game,

Now what I got from this submission was alot of things but what comes tomind is that it is groovy even a word I like to use swanky basicly means it was fresh and I was delighted to come across it, It is Loaded with lots of fun and exciting elements, a very good game with some good positives about it, infact there was a lot of positives, I did feel like the game itself could use more extended elements but overall I had some fun with this game.


Artur-Felipe responds:

Thank you

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