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This was ok, I like the way you have many things to choose from to create a Chrono Trigger scene. The sprites you have here are nice, and I like how you made it so you can pick the same one lots of times to more things on the scene. The background is good, but maybe next time you could make more backgrounds for this, but it was fun, Once again nice sprites on here


Nice game you have graced us with here Hmm this is a really nice little scene creator you have made, I like how clear your music is, and how you can choose a lot of backgrounds for the scenes. The gameplay is nice, and you have a good variety to choose from, and you also have some really nice sprites from the Zelda games, it was fun to create scenes like this


The game starts off slow but its fun and entertaining and once you get a few levels in it seems to be easier and moves along faster, The higher levels do bring on some issues such as strategic fight for keeping a constant upgrade flow but that also kept it interesting anyways a good game here


Another interesting skill game here it was fun though, Some good designs on this and Have to say the music itself was nice and fitting on the game, You have a good concept and idea but would say levels can go long and while thats fun we may wanna jump into the next one sooner, anyways fun game here


An interesting and fun skill game here, dark background and the glowing enemies was an intersting idea but also made it fun, power-up collection missions took way too long but all in all this was a fun game you have created here very addictive too so nice work here


A nice skill and strategy game I found this to be an addicting game also interesting and tricky, I do think it could use more random power ups This is a very interesting concept and I would love to see what else could be done with it. I really like the aspect of how everything works off another, a really good concept about it even the visuals are nice

So good game a nice skill and strategy game from what I can tell you really pushed the limits of this game and made for some fun ideas, so it was a pleasure to review this game and all it had to showcase, Seems you got a good idea here You have processed a good game entry here, and I have had a spectacular time with this one so keep up that style in other stuff and future games.


Nice Tutorial here interesting aspect of it all, Well your tutorial was really simple, but it got to the point, and did teach you some good things, i like the way you have organized this, and how well you explained things. The interactivity is nice, and i like how you show users how to make slick text Maybe next time you could add more text examples, and better backgrounds for this, because it was kind of plain, but you did a nice job explaining things


Awesome fun Wow I really enjoyed playing that, I like how you have animated the characters in here, and the bad guys in this look really cool. The animations are clear, and smooth, you have some good effects in here, and really nice detail. The gameplay is smooth, and I like the control a lot, it was really fun to play and I had a fun experience with this game


A good puzzle game you have created here some nifty little systems too, the stage complete screen takes forever to finish maybe a faster load time the game was fun Would be nice if there was more free range of the ball or control of it, But anyways great game here fun with the ball


A nice game some fun with the basic element of fun so could use more impact more bonus element to aspects of the game, But in all honesty its a fantastic game with all the great series of yesteryear, playing up the nostalgia factor made this oretty fun and brings me back so nice game here


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