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The game is notbad it seems like with the story there could have been much more on this, the blurred/grimy style of drawing was an interesting I found that really interesting This really shows how good you really are but anyways a fun and interesting game here so nice efforts


Cool game here I like the idea and concept you bring a live here wow this is a great idea, i like how you can pick so much to change in this car, and how fun you have made everything in here. The drawings of the car, and car parts are nice, and detailed well. The gameplay is smooth, and nice, and i like how you can turn off the music in here. This was a really good idea, and it was fun to put my own car together.


Ok well this was not bad its an interesting style well you have a good idea, but this needs some work, i like the way you have set it all up, and the backgrounds were drawn nice. The animations are simple, but look really nice in this. The gameplay needs some work, because the ball gets faster at times when it should be slower, and the angel and speed stay the same, so maybe next time you could work on fixing that up, but it is a good idea


Odd one here but its an interesting one too This was a bit odd, i like the title, and what you had at the start, but it ended a bit odd, it was still an ok animation though. The starting was done well, and everything went good together. This was a bit random, and had no story to it, so maybe next time you could add more of a story to this, and end it in a better way, but your doing ok so far.


Interesting and fun game here, Terrific Yes I would say this is pretty terrific of a game entry here but this game had some good stuff going for it that made it kind of groovy Seems like you could ad on some added depth more content on this game, But anyways its a fun game does need more elements


Oh nice you made a second version here very nice, Some nice improvments on this game everything is much smoother and runs better, But you have some nice changes and the game is actually pretty fun nice elements and nice details all across the board very fun here


An action platformer game with some style about it, The mouse controls seem like they could run smoother and more easy to access even in game just my opinion, You have some Incredible graphics and some great gameplay just the controls bugged me a bit anyways good solid game


I was waiting on the game to progressively get more harder etc but does have some fun start up and goes pretty basic from that point, Now dont get me wrong its a fun game, The medals are nice but would love more challenge more harder points but anyways a fun game


This game was pretty fun I like the puzzle element and puzzle systems here, The art and graphics are nice and visualy good, gameplay was interesting and tricky at times, all the different mini games are great overall made for a fun game here I enjoyed it


Well this was something different, Getting hit a couple of times takes hard hits even if you do have a couple of players, Maybe even more health upgrades would be a help, A nice halloween theme of a game and some fun interactivity anyways nice game here keep it up


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