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There have been some gliches with hit miss points and combos but its still a fun game here, first of all let me congradulate you on a fine piece of game here, I got some good fun out of this little game here so nice work indeed hope to see even more


Interesting game here fun and interesting I will and I do like the direction you are taking this and I am pretty impressed with what you do have going on, This game has a sense of freshness even calmness about it I found it to bring some fun interactivities


There was alot in this even more then I had expected but the whole puzzle element system made it a very interesting game, Some elements seemed too simple but as you play through it does get better, and it seemed educational and that was interesting but overall a fun game


Something amazing and some great fun, I loved playing this game it was really fun, I like how you have awesome graphics, and effects in this game, and your animated spaceships look awesome. The music, and sound effect were great. The gameplay was smooth, and the control were fun, I like how you explained how to get more weapons, and how you could get points by shooting boxes up anyways good efforts here


Cool game here its an interesting one Good job, I like how you put all this together, and how organized it is, it teaches you the basics of NG, and that was good how you explained it all. The music was nice, and I liked how you have a bar in the corner to go to the beat of the music, and a control bar for it. The interactivity in here was nice, and I like how many choices you have put into the menu to learn about, this was very cool indeed


This was pretty interesting I do hope you make more and soon becauses its these types of point and click games that really make me enjoy them that much more, Takes a good bit to get that candy bar lol with practice it becomes more fun lol anyways fun game here


A crisp feel so that was a plus and thats my first initial thoughts on this game here point and click games can go either way but you bring on some interesting ideas here, These games are fun and this one was nice some nice story elements make it even more fun


I would recommend to friends as it does have a good pulse The whole point and click style brings on some interesting aspects here, Great game and some good puzzles and loved the challenge some fun interactive elements made for a really fun point and click game


There was some good buzz and flare around this point and click game and thats what drew me in on this one, such kindness that led to a good ending and that was a plus for this game including the bit of story that was there so for me this was impressive and a fun game


Another yet interesting escape game here, Fixing up the house was notbad here was something terrific and I would even call it a remarkable gem a good pint and click game, The art was not too amazing but it was still pretty good some added polish would be niice, Overall I had some fun here


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