
11,872 Game Reviews

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This was a good game, i like how you have animated the ships, and drawn them. The sounds were the best thing in this game. The gameplay is ok, but the ships need to sake when they get hit, because it does not look very realistic when they are hit, but it is ok so far, and its a fun game to play so far keep up the fun game making


Well here was another in the long list of fun and addictive point and click games well in this case escape game lol, This can be some pretty polished work you seem to have been busy busy, The crate had me stumped for a bit didnt realise it was so close, Finding runes makes it more fun too, This is anything short of Spectacular I would even call it divine in its own way ofcourse

For sure one of the better escape games from your list of these types and you bring on some really fun interactivity and stylish visuals along with bringing in some nice story here, I like what you have brought forward here a fun game with some creative elements and thats what I enjoyed here so please do keep up the amazing work as you do with these types of games


Mouse game pretty interesting, You have a unique piece here it has some dazzle throughout not too hard of a game some nice balance in moderte and hard but was kind of a short game, you have made this a fun experience for all so keep up the amazing work indeed it was fun


I actually thought it was underrated and if you ask me its more remarkable then I had thought so its a pretty fun platformer game, The creatures or females are an interesing style of enemy lol, But anyways a good little game you have created


Ok a good submission you have here its a good game entry as well Some nifty little elements here, really good looking game and I love the story line, Princess Luna seems a bit tough but was a fun battle a good fun fighting game here very fun indeed


Well this was an interesting puzzle like game, This was even addictive and that was ok, Seems like some parts could be easier too, But in the end I like the game you have created as it was fun and entertaining so nice work on this game and I look forward to even more


Good game fine idea of controls were good some nice visuals and graphics and overall a fun idea, And that is what made me want to make a review for this one but hope you like this anyways It was pretty decent if you ask me, But besides all that you made a fun and entertaining game here


Fun game here This was ok, I like how fun it was, and how you got scores by making the ball bounce by shooting at it. The gameplay was smooth, and I like the controls in this, but the instructions gave me a bit of a head ache since they were flashing so much, maybe next time you could make it so the instructions don't flash like that, but it was an ok fun game to play, so nice job here


So this was like a scrambled picture game thats a nice idea I do think as a bonus some added hints and such would be great, You do have some nice visuals and even some nifty effects on this fun game, Tile Switch concept was also another nice feature


You pushed the limits to the best of your knowledge with this action platformer game, And it shows in your content and visuals and gameplay of this game so great dedication, Some of the reskin elements could be polished but the mechanic was nice so good game


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