
11,872 Game Reviews

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A fun game indeed this platformer was different but still pretty unique, Capturing all the stars was not easy but it was fun trying too, I like the style of this game a good vibe here Well a good ol game and you can't go wrong with that the game type is a blast to play you have a good fun little game here



The game is notbad here that little cloud seems like its pretty nice and much needed lol the effort on this game is good and the gameplay was pretty fun i like what you have created here so nice work indeed


Good surfing

haha so this was a good surfing game here the controls with the swipe are a little hard but still found it fun the water is nice i think some graphics could be on the walls a nice game some nice music and some fun surfing here



This was amusing, abit fun, but could have more to it besides just the bouncing and all, the backrounds were amuing and made for a more entertaonong game but just needs more Add more to the game then just bouncing the ball Fun bouncing game abit amusing


Lol funny

Notbad this was funny, i like how the start of it was like a comic the game part of it was neat, controls were abit tricky atfirst, also i didnt hear any music or sound/fx, anyways good animation Add some sound/fx or music, also some better controls and such Fun game neat starting and some good artwork


Could be improved

This was ok but could be improved, at first i didnt know exactly what to do so maybe some sorta instructions at the start would help, alos some sorta improved backround would also help, it seemed fun though Some improved backrounds with color, aswell as some sorta instructions at the start A fun game, hard to understand at first, but seemes fun



So a nice rythem type of game here visual graphics are pretty nice, once again but anyways I enjoyed this game for what it is so nice entry your game was very creative, Some spacebar smash but gotta be right on target still had some fun with this game here



So this is an interesting game here you have some nice elemenst to this with a fun vibe about it, the gameplay mechanics are nice and you really mix that element up for each level and for me that makes it unique, a platformer style here but you make it fun and entertaining


Nice game

So with this quiz system ist pretty nice and has a nice vibe about it and theres lots to do here I think you could even increase the medals on this one, the game is pretty fun, The questions and puzzle style elements of the quiz are nice, The interface visual could be sleeker looking


octopus58 responds:

Thank you! I'm surprised that you have found the super duper old prequel to my game Super Hard Quiz P2, as I remember you commented on that one too haha. I do agree with your comments, and appreciate what you said :)

Luscious game

Wow nice that super smash is pretty crazy lol the game runs smooth the gameplay is very good and with pixel style its awsome The world of pixel as seen through the artist luscious vision here and you made a fun game already but also bring in that pixel element that makes it that much more fun and the pixel is a beautiful style here so nice pixel related game on this one


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