
11,872 Game Reviews

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Decent fun game

And here was a decent game here has some fun ideas and lots of attacking options so it does give you a chance at surviving I like the style here and the action is good more flashy effects would be nice though

Some added flashy effects more then what you have now would be a plus


Good game

Now here was a simple idea of a game and braught out to something even better I really like the vibe as it keeps you fast paced action and some nice visuals I think you can ad some type of bonus levels for extra fun

Ad some bonus levels


Fun game here

And here was a fun game I did think that this could have been better graphics are decent but could be spruced up a tad maybe little details that could really make them better the gameplay was magnificent and the style was fun the idea of this game was pretty good maybe not original but still great stuff but anyways a good game indeed and quite magnificent

Some improved graphics just a bit


Good game

So this was a good game the art was notbad the animation was decent and as for the art as mentioned it's good but wouldn't mind more detail but as a game it's a good game you have here so that's a plus

Some extra details in the art would be magnificent


Wow fun

wow fun game here you really put some effort in this one and the player has to really pay attention, I like the medals on this not easy at all allthough im not very god at all at gaining medals but still a fun game love the "MUSIC" made for a more enjoyble time riding the bike. So before I end this review I would like to congradulate you on the awards you recieved on this, it showed your effort and showed the quality put into this, it all came together in a decent flash well deserving of the awards. I really enjoyed what you made her em a delightfull flash with lots of entertaining and amusing visuals, great stuff all around, its stuff like this i can really appreciate so very nice work, keep it up. There was alot of tips I suggested that will greatly help make this much a better game, and again good luck. And once again great flash entry here. Cheers till next time.

A splash of color here and there would be nice.


Another fun game

It was pretty fast paced and the graphics were amusing aswel the music but overall it was pretty fun and entertaining I thaught, some of the attacks were pretty good though. a fun game and I was highly entertainined so nice job here, hope to see more like this soon.

Not really anything its pretty solid.


Cool game

A fun game indeed, I definitely had a fun time playing this and the music fit it pretty well some of these medals were a bit hard to get but it was still fun and entertaining, Props to you on getting some awards, that was nifty but was well worth it and really showed the quality you put into this. anyways nice job And in the closing notes of this review I must say this was an alright game fun and enlighting, it was something dfferant with some nice visuals and decent graphics has some entertainment value and thats something we all look for, so in my opinion you did great here, keep that style up. I would like to take this time to say this was pretty good and in some ways It was a bit unique those are things you dont see all the time, and glad to see you put the effort and time into this.

Medals are great and you had some in here but seemed too few amount, so by adding more it would increase the quality and allow for more players to have more fun and more to look for and play for, give it a try. make some easy medals too.


Wiesi responds:

Thank you for the awesome review!

Smooth game

Well this was a pretty smooth game the hitting of the ball was a bit cloky but maybe that was the intent you actually did make this game a little hard but notbad of a game kinda fun and entertaining ofcourse, art is smooth and nice to look at so nice job here.

Controls could be smoother


Interesting game

Well here was an interesting game it kind of reminded me of an old ghosts and goblins game with your character, but anyways this was notbad at all great music lots of interactivity and made for a fun game I did enjoy this just a bit, maybe make the screen larger.

Make the screen larger for more game play.


Decent dress up

Now this was pretty decent you have quite a few items here I could see you upgrading this with much more items more animated ones aswell, I would even make the view screen much larger so you can fit even more items in there, but overall a fun lil game you have here. I really found this Submission entry to be pretty good, Well presented well percieved and well orginised, The game was fun and entertaining, not to say it could use some small adjustments for improving, But you brought all the elements together making for a decent game here. So untill your next flash keep up the creative skills flowing and hope to make much more enjoying fun games like this one, I would love to see more anyways untill then good luck on your next Submission.

I could see you upgrading this with much more items more animated ones aswell, I would even make the view screen much larger so you can fit even more items in there


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