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So this was pretty nice I like the tower defense style here and the game can get pretty intense the visuals play out pretty good and it's fun nice gameplay though enjoyed it


Nice game

So this was nice the controls run smooth but the gameplay was actually a little tough but do love the concept of the game and was fun for the most part I like the game enjoyed it so nice work



So this was cool didnt know there was another one but notbad work and its a fun silly and entertaining game you made it fun seems like it could still use much more content and give off some added fun factor but this was very good and I had some fun with the game here now you can make a third version lol anyways thats all I got from this one but do make more soon here on the grounds



Well I say notbad but this here is a fun game but does end too short I think by making it longer and adding more levels would be a plus and gives it a more fun factor even adding on some medals would greatly improve on this game now dont get me wrong its fun gameplay is good just runs a tad short anyways nice game I look forward to even more from you sometime soon


Nice idea

So this was a nice lil game here it even has a sort of story element about it and you really bring on some nice style about it it was somewhat short but you bring on some nice gameplay and actionscript was not easy back in the day but glad you made it work into a game like this its a pleasure to see but anyways a fun and simple game here and I had fun with it


Nice one

This game was nice it starts off hard but with the upgrades it really comes through faster this contains some good visuals and content and really has some addictive play as you build up, so it was a fun lil game


Nice game

The music was really good in this game this kind of game they dont get the recognition they deserve but they are interesing, and you made it fun the boss fight was pretty intense too nice game here



A nice concept on this game here So first off this was a decent representation of your ideas and fun you put into this You have established a good submission here, the idea and concept was nice it starts up slow buts gets very fun could use more medals


rhys510 responds:

Thanks for the kind words :)

Really nice

Glad to see you went on and made more games I especially love the music you made here it was pretty intense and fits well with the game, another aspect of the game that I really liked you added a sort of story in there and it was confusing at first especially with the controls but once I got past that this was a pretty fun game you have a nice skill at making these types so please do keep that element going strong


Really fun game

The game has some very good fun factor about it, all these medals make it even more fun, Infact there was not anything unnecessarily done on here This was a professional meathod and this can really thrive from your ideas, Some things could be improved some more balance on the random factor for sure.


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