
11,872 Game Reviews

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Another fun quizz

And so here was a game with a fun quizz about it, I like these game types because they bring on some fun here, some really nice details of "SOME-COOL-QUESTIONS" some good some not so good to answer but overall "THIS-WAS-A-FUN-GAME-QUIZZ" you have here

Nothing as it was an interesting game


A cool Dress-UP

Could use a better interface and more items even some animated props, A sense of style and unque kind of game and thats what I took away from this "GAME", and its just the little thinsg that make this game stand out from the rest, and I really enjoy the work you present here while not always perfect but still has a good fun factor about it.

Could use a better interface and more items even some animated props



Well this game was notbad it had some nice effects about it but I did find it to be pretty fun, this is for sure one of those games you could upgrade it with some "MEDALS" and give it more of an exciting moment about it, but I did enjoy this game and it was fun so nice effort on the design of this game here.

this is for sure one of those games you could upgrade it with some medal options and give it more of an exciting moment about it


Well that was fun

Well what can I say this was a fun game here, that "MUSIC" for me was awsome, the "GAMEPLAY" was very smooth and easy to move around, the idea of the game was ok but could have more nifty interactivity options about it, other then that this was a fun game you have created.

the game was ok but could have more nifty interactivity options about it



So this was like the "OLD-DAYS" very nice though loved that bbs form and lots of banning mods lol, anyways graphics were pretty nice, the music was top notch this was a fun little time waster on this game here so nice job here, I hope to see more games like this somewhere in the portal

None it was a classic.


Haha nice

so this was like the old "DDR" games I use to have a friend that was obseesed with that stuff, but anyways the music was good, I do wish the view screen was larger, seems like this could be a game you could update with some medals added onto it or something.

As suggested some added medals.


Really nice

So this was a nice game, you really pushed some ideas here with some nice "EFFECTS" I really enjoyed the "INTERFACE" of this game too some slick design on this one the gameplay of the "CONTROLS" was really nice you have some good game control of the character so nice job here.

I would ad some medals to this fine game of yours.


A cute game

So I found this game to be pretty fun, and dont think it needs any major changes, it was fun and entertaining, You have presented a Tastefully well done piece here, and I wouldnt want to see that quality Diminish into the portal, so some slight changes could happen, but on my ending notes I would like to take a moment and say you have impressed me with this submission, and it gave me some entertaining time, so keep that up and hope to see more.

dont think it needs any major changes, it was fun and entertaining


A nifty game

So this was a "NIFTY" little game here it was interesting allthough this kind of game could use some medals and give it even more excitment then it has now, This can use a sort of Rejuvinate spice up here and there but thats more for later, but I wanted to say here in my ending notes that you have a decent entry here and I would ofcourse like to see it move forward even more, so with a lil more extra it can be that and much more, but takes the effort to put in those extras and such.

this kind of game could use some medals and give it even more excitment then it has now


Nice game

So this was an interesting game here the attacking mechanics seem like they could be smoother, the game was decent though, Dazzling Yes I did say Dazzling thats what I call this especially to end this review, you have a Dazzling flash here it was interesting and had some good Criteria about it, Now ofcourse there were some areas that could use some more work and more efort and so on, but im sure you will get to that soon enough, but anyways decent flash entry here.

the attacking mechanics seem like they could be smoother


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