
11,872 Game Reviews

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Nice game

The game was fun and you have to keep focus on this one nice job indeed There are some areas that really stand out and it really make this an all around game entry, the game mechanics are not too hard and the medals are pretty nice, so it was a fun game



Haha nice the main character is cool now I have to say this platformer was good and has a nice energy about it there is some good variety about it decent gameplay and overall a fun platformer with a bit of Zombie and puzzle element on this



Another fun part of the escape series seems like you guys really put a lot of time in these games and pushed the envelope too because you have showcased a really fun game I really wish these ones had some medals and even extra content for the mostpart this was a really nice game here I like the vibe and energy of this too with nice visuals



Another good one and another fun escape adventure you bring on some nice elements some nice gameplay and just some overall fun I love the gameplay style and it keeps you interested once again these would do great with some medals but overall a fun and detailed game once again so keep doing what you do as this was a nice and impressive game here



So the game is notbad a good action shooter type but does seem to need more more features and options so good style of game here I like it and hope you make even more like this


Very cool

So while it was a tower defense type of game you added some nice stuff some good sounds too but you added some history of the game too and that was big so for me this was a fun game


Good game

So this was a good game and has a sort of new concept type of idea this was pretty good in the mechanical can too you have a fun and entertaining game here I had fun with this


Nice one

So this was nice it's a nice mixture of pong and that other classic game but I do like the mixture of it and the gameplay came off well with the controls responding well so for me this was a fun little game you created was pretty fun keep it up



So a fun puzzle illusion these types always play tricks on my eyes but you really pushed a nice ideas here and I love the concept of the puzzle and a nice style game not too hard was just pretty fun anyways keep up the good work on these games


Very fun

So I like this series its title says it all escape and thats what got me into this one so nice game here I would love to see more additions added into this with some extras and some more content even some addition of medals and such but overall this was a really fun game you created here and cant wait to see what else you bring to the table but anyways really fun game indeed


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