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Another quiz game

A different kind of qyuzz game And here we are with Another quiz game here, now while I dont see these kinds of games or quizes anymore but have to say these still are always pretty entertaining and still have a nice entertaining value, so thats always a plus here especially with this game Quizz games can be fun and entertaining and thats exactly what you have created here today


Amazing quiz game

amazing ideas that you have pushed here the quiz itself hope you keep making games like this fun quiz because this was pretty interesting overall this was a nice lil game Its a nifty little quiz game fun and pretty amazing, so keep doing what you enjoy.



There could be a few added details and some extra elements I really got a kick out of this one This one here has a good Pulse and has a spectacular aswell as positive touch to this nice job all around, But overall this was pretty cool so nice job.


Cool pacman

A pacman style very nice idea Wow I have to say despite its simplicity this game is extremely addicting to play and very fun Hahahaha ok well never thaught i would see this type of pacman, heh ohwell, nice work I could see you adnvancing onto this game more.



Not only have you used lots of effort but you have made this kind of game fun and for sure entertaining so a fun game to start off with for sure This one took me a few trys OK notbad it was fun took me ten trys it was fun, and was a decent idea, i saved him i saved him.


Cool game

There was no negitive but eliminating a few weaker points would be nice but again may not be needed as you had some nice results here Heh ok that was fun, and very interactive, nice gameplay, could use some scene selections but still great stick fighter forever hehe anyways great job


Good flavour

platformer games are not easy by any means but you have found a way to make this particular platformer game work and you gave it some nice gameplay action with a few extras that made this game that much better and there is even a nice build up about it too and these are all things that make for a nice game even a nifty platformer game like you have graced for us to enjoy here love how clean the visuals are on this game


Nice Platformer

A good one for Robot Day A platformer game here with a different feel and flavour about it and I love the depth and detail of this particular platformer game as it's kind of different then others but you for sure have added your own twist of things including some nice little details within the gameplay itself some awesome end results too making for an overall fun platformer style of a game and a little twist of your own ideas


Good game here

I love the western style of this one too and along with the first person shooter element very nice indeed, I really enjoyed here you gave it its own unqique style of a game, you have a good game here first person shooters are always something interesting and its within the focal points that you showcase those small yet fun moments of fun so nice game and hope to see even more.


Cool Platformer

Cant go wrong with some castlevania style Creativity that's what this platformer game brings to the table with some good style some very nice gameplay but most of all you keep it all pact in and not boring at all allowing the player to focus on the fun gameplay so for me this platformer was a nice touch some good style and flavour and you just make it work right from the start I enjoyed the platformer style that you bring to the table so nice platformer here


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