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Brilliant all the way to the end

LOL Ok first off great "PLAY" button and its after effects haha that was brilliant so props to you there for an awsome idea, and second you get more props because the characters were very welldone and you gave them there own personality and humor, the whole flash was pretty funny i thought, allthough it seemed too short, except for the "END" damn that was not expected at all but ill give you props for even that lil end aswell heh now i will have a differant view of any movie experience :( hah j/k it was a welldone flash with lots of laughter, very entertaining scnes, but again it should be longer with more content and such, Now if i could suggest a few things, maybe you could ad more content, some more differant scenes, the ending was a blast heh, anyways nice job indeed.

ad more content, more differant scenes and try and make it longer if you can.

Funny and short but good entertainment.


JunkYardAnimations responds:

haha awesome thanks dude! i definitely have some longer flashes in store!


A fantasic asortmant of visuals, kinda neat, some areas were bland. like you shoould have added some effects in the backrounds aswell, also i would like to see more colors, not just here and there but all over and like i said earlier more backround effort is needed, more detail and just more effort when it comes to backrounds and such, good luck though.

Add more effects in the backrounds aswell and ad more colors all around along with some nifty effects to go with all that.

fun and entertaining to see but does need a few improvments


Nice and cute

I thought this was a nice little and cute flash, good design of the "CHARACTER" good animating and good art and backrounds, only problem i really had with it was that it was abit slow getting to the end. so maybe thats the problem with-in the story so maybe speed it up there cut a few parts here and there and there you go a much better preentation, which in the end will sufice. so good luck.

Speed up the story just abit, other then that it was notbad at all

good storry but seems to drag on


Needs work but is amusing

Haha i must admitt this was pretty funny, the animation was far too slow i thought, you should have let it flow like a movie besides the super slow motion type or maybe that was the idea you wanted for it, but i do like the character so you did show some effort, anyways nice job.

Have it flow better in animation and some more animation would be nice

Entertaining, needs some work though.


Another one of these heh

Well these are kinda neat as it opens you up to the differant users back in the day atleast heh, i like how you did show differant parts of the profile so it was not too shabby, good job regardless

If anything could be improved on i would suggest have some animations in there not just the scrolling of the profile

Entertaining profile and audio


Very cute and funny

Ok so this is probablt my first episode to see on this why i have not seen the others not sure, but anyways, Great "MENU" screen i really like all the color and nifty looking designs and the character is somewhat cute, i still think the bland white backround spots should also be filled just an idea or two, Ok so as i get into this you have some nice characters fresh and funny, and i like that you have a "RECAP" especially goes well for people like me who start on episode 9 heh, also some props to you for giving this some randomness to it, the characters and funny humor make this very amusing and cute so keep up that part of it, another thing to improve on this might be adding some "SUBTITLES" it would help also improving on the "AUDIO" aswell, This whole series kinda reminds me of the Eskimo bob series here on newgrounds, not sure if ya seen them but i love your style and love this series, i think i will check the others out soon.

Some subtitles to start, some filling in of bland spots on the menu screen, and some more random humor would be nice.

Overall a funny and entertaining series i like it very much.


Brewster responds:

Hmmm... Subtitles. I never thought of that before. I'll definiteley add those in the next episode. Thanks!

Nice graphics.

Well the preloader took abit but after it got started, he play screen was rather "BLAND" you had some fancy text button, but the black backround just seemed abit too bland, maybe you could spice it up with colors and backrounds and other stuff thats related to you flash, just something that could improve on this even if its kust a little change, It might have even been nice to have the button change color when you roll over it, I like this flash you have here because it has some nice and smooth graphics, and even abit of nice effects like some blurrs here and there, so the story of this was ok but just seemed unfinished guess one should know more of the other story this may come from, but for the mostpart i liked it, just seems way too short, but hope to see more of your work with some good improving. Maybe next time we will see a much longer one and more content, untill then good luck.

Some menu button and menu upgrades, make the story longer and less confusing, and maybe a little compressing aswell

A good but short flash nice graphics.


UnderlingX responds:

Thanks a lot ill try and work on all those points. I'm not really sure this story would make any more sense what ever i tell you. It was just me practicing. I havent animated in like a year so i thought it practice graphics n stuff.

Nice stop-motion

This is interesting and for 4 megs it didnt take that long to load up, so that was a nice treat, So this was a very interesting flash stop motion i believe and you did put some good effort in this, seemed abit on the short side, so maybe if you added some more action scenes with the pig and all maybe an idea would be to have other wooden pigs formed and such hehe, or maybe you have the guy make another animal to help, but anyways the stop motion is pretty neat i like how you mixed it up with some photo editing effects but on the bad side of that it was hard to see what was going on, also i think the "TEXT" when you go to black screen could have been better, maybe larger text would have been better, and maybe not so fast, also at the end with the replay button, i think you should make it so its more of a button like not just the text so its not so hard to click on, allthough it was not that bad, maybe i thought that because it matched up with the backround, anyways nice job here on a unique flash, i look forward to more adventures with the wooden pigs hehe

An improved button at the end, a more better visual, so its not so hard to see everything

A decent stop mostion with a good little story.


Awsome blue movie

Hmm ok well This seemes to be a good Flash here, i will know more by the end of the flash and review, the one thing that did throw me off somewhat was the "SIZe" just seemed abit much to me but again i will see by the end of the flash to see if it was worth the wait, second thing i noticed was that the Flash just started right off, that notbad but i wish you would have added a "PLAY" button so that i could click play, say like im waiting for it to load and ran to get a soda or something not a big thing just would be nice to the viewer, Now the flash was pretty good if you ask me a funny story a hot blue-ish babe, allthough another little helpful tip might be some "SUBTITLES" not needed but a nice feature for the viewers, now you had a very nice flash some humor, some nice scenes good looking characters and decent animation, so i did enjoy it but wouldnt mind if it had some other option for a more viewer friendly based flash, anyways nice work, and in the end i was worth the big file size, so nice effort there,

Have a play button at the start before it starts playing, some subtitles would help,

A long bovie with lots of action and a cute blue babe


rbinturong responds:

The play button is a good idea. We'll definitely have one for the next episode. We also plan to upgrade our audio equipment so we'll have much better sound too. Glad you liked our movie (for the most part) and thanks for the great review!

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