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((( WOW )))

That is some great animation, i really like how you put this together. The subtitles are a nice touch and your name in the corner is an original thing not many people do which is cool, i like the story and the actions in this flash...

Keep it up and good job...


((( GOOD )))

It was pretty good, i like the fact you put effort into the backgrounds, guns, clocks, and everything else. It was entertaining to watch those clocks go at it hehe. The voices were ok and the story is cool...


HydraulicCat responds:

Thanks dude!

((( CUTE )))

Those are some cute little Halo people you have drawn here but i dont play this game but its still cute how you did this, i like how you animated them and the point of the flash was kinda funny heh, you should work on adding more detail to this thought but its nice to watch...


((( NICE )))

It was a nice little flash about fire, i like how the animation is smooth and all the detail it has into it. It was kinda funny at times, i like how the play button says "begin" and not just "play" that was cool and different, i would not try this in real life though...


((( DECENT )))

This was pretty decent for a small ad but it could have had more to it like the alien could have gone more places and did more things, i like the music is nice and i like that you had sound effects. The idea behind this is cool so keep it up...


Asgard responds:

thx for the review :) I would've loved to the alien to visit more places except that we were contrained to 60 seconds. Anything more than that would have been a really expensive ad heehe. But yeah, I would've loved to have been able to extend on that.


Hmm this is something different in flash it was nice to watch, the way you went from one style to pausing on a different one was cool, i like the sound but it needed some sound effects. The animation could have used a lot of color to bring out more to it but good job so far...


((( GOOD )))

It was a good flash and it was kinda creepy but that was cool, i like the story here and how that girl looked. The sound was simple and went well with this. The story is a bit sad, but then again its creepy how it ended but dark stuff is always entertaining to watch and i liked it very much...


((( WOW )))

You are a really great artist that was some great drawings you have here, i like how you made an animated comic and how well you put it together. The music, and sound made it more entertaining to watch, and i hope you will make more of these because they are very cool indeed...


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