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Gosh I really love these older ones they sure do give me a few chuckles here with this one some great clips here and some nice artwork aswell very entertaining as always onlything I would change up would be to ad more clips here on this one anyways fantastic job.

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Another cool one

I love the art on this most of all this was some nice work here, you have some really nice story depth too no changes are needed it was a fun film, You have added some story too making this pretty good of a story, you have "SOME-GOOD-ACTION" in this one too, I like how the characters can jump into some action here, so "NICE-DETAIL-HERE", the effects were actually notbad either, keep up the good story going.

you have some really nice story depth too no changes are needed it was a fun film


Oh wow

Wow this was nice I like it because it was something different here on the grounds and dont see much like this one you have presented a nice creation of unique design, it was kind of short maybe it could have been longer but overall it is a nice piece.

it was kind of short maybe it could have been longer but overall it is a nice



so this is where that clip came from this was a very entertaining piece wish you had more clips bunched up here together it was a entertaining piece and funny and I have to say one of the more better animated ones with some good quality here so nice job.

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Entertaining I love all the clips here even the dancing black men lol but this was a good series of clips here and the quality was decent love the random factor here no changes needed here because these were all pretty good and made me chuckle a bit

no changes needed here because these were all pretty good


Very nice

Another fun episode I love the story element of this I do wish the there was no next button and just let it flow on through, So this was a cool adventure here I am enjoying the music in this series, now "I-LIKE-THE-STORY-ELEMENT" and the adventure and "SOME-GOOD-MUSIC" to with it aswell you have some nice detail here too the sprites are always on the move too, you have something good here.

I love the story element of this I do wish the there was no next button and just let it flow on through


Very nice

The art on this was really nice you have some amazing work here great character the voice work was notbad either I do think some type of subtitles might work well on this, but besides that this was really good work on a cute little animation here so nice work indeed.

ad some subtitles and do make a series from this you have something good here.


Some random Fun stuff

This one was kind of a strange one but was still entertaining seems like it could use more content and such, So here was a nice fun still film, I like these for the randomness of it all you really bring some nice visuals and always bring on a good chuckle here you have some great imaginitive and it showcases well with this random yet fun flick so really nice job.

still entertaining seems like it could use more content and such


This was cute

So this was a cute piece of animation here the narrating was kind of nifty the visuals are nice and some nifty effects in this are cool, Would love even more nifty effects on this, but other then that this was pretty cool and do hope you make more of this kind of animation.

some added flashy effects even more then you have now would be nice


Fun stuff

Another great random one and some nice visuals here love the mix of art and jpegs in this particular one, you guys should make more of these, some entertaining and random animations with a twist of flavor so these are always entertaining and always bring on a few chuckles, some good fun classics with this and the humor is always great stuff here, I am always looking forward to more of these styles of films.

love the mix of art and jpegs in this particular one, you guys should make more of these


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