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hmm ok so here is another entertaining episode of the series, and these tend to be kinda quiet but this one had abit more into it, the animation was still short, and had some more interaction, dont get me wrong these are still funny and entertaining, i love the voices but you need to still need to have more of the voice and dialog in there, i like that you added some {MUSIC} at the end with credits and all, the menu page could have used some work though in your earlier episodes you had some good menu pages, but this one was still very short and if they are gonna be that short why not add a number of them in one flash? that way your flash has variaty and more to see the for the viewer, but anyways nice job, it was entertaining.

Add more to the story and or add multiple short animations, also dress up the menu page abit better, and have more dialog between the characters.

So over all these are funny and entertaining.


Very short but entertaining

ok so it has been awhile since i seen one of these, but wow that was very short, now dont get me wrong that was funny and the only line in there aswell, was a good funny momement but i feel you still need more in there, more activity going on, the animation was ok the voice was notbad, and humor was right on but still could use some more to it, more {SCENEs} more characters and more story to it, you have alot of good ideas in these, but they are way too {SHORT} and i know you have heard that before, but you should really still think about adding more such as the ideas i suggested or even others have suggested, I did like what you did with the {MENU-PAGE} with the play button that was pretty nifty. anyways nice short animation.

I suggested a few ideas, but it for sure needs to be longer as does the others aswell

a short flash entertaining but still too short


Great story and film here

ok so the loading time on this one was kinda big, not gonna complain too much on that but maybe there was some small stuff you could have cut out here and there to reduce the file and loading time, but anyways as for the flash its good i especially like what you did with the menu-screen, dripping blood, and great looking {FONTS} that are related to the flash itself, so nice job there, Wow the characters are very good nice designs, and the view shots and differant camera views was a nice touch, you really did put alot of effort on this one with some smooth and great animating, the {BLOOD} effects were great, and the overall flash was great, i can see why it was so big infile with everything that was going on, so in the end i liked it and was very impressed with the outcome, ao anyways great job on this.

Maybe some file reduction, other then that its a very good flash great story and awsome animating.

An epic tale with blood, and great animation, loved it


Another adventure with hitler.

and here we arrive with 217, these dont change much but i must say they are still {AMUSING} the differant props are always funny and its always neat to see a differant pokemon and such, the backround in this one was a great touch for the type of pokemon, and the pokemon is kind of like a bear and so on, so it was not all bad, but still entertaining, but again you should really think about adding new {SCENES} new props and so fourth, just some new stuff besides the same ol same ol. other then that i liked it.

As in alot of these from the series they need more animation, more, props, new characters new scenes and so fourth

As like in the others needs more stuff as stated as above



Ok day 225 and hitler still trying to catch them all, will he ever catch them all? but anyways you should really think about working on the menu page and i know i have mentioned it before, could use more attention, maybe as an idea you should place the face or full pokemon of which pokemon the flash is related too, And im thinking you should also add more then just one pokemon add a variaty of them might make for more stuff going on aswell, lol you did well dressing up hitler with this one though, but again could use more effort with more stuff going on, i do like that you added a new song in here though lol

Menu page effort with the pokemon on the menu page could be a nice change and touch, also having more then just one pokemon in each episode would be a nice idea aswell,

Another entertaining episode and pokemon.


Funny and entertaining

Well this was cute has a very cartoony feel, and i must say the {MUSIC} was very catchy and seemed to {FLOW} very well with the funny toon, the {SIZE} of the flash was notbad at all, not too big or too short, allthough the toon was still very short, now dont get me wrong it was amusing and made me laugh abit so i was ok with that, but would have been nice to see it go on abit longer, The artwork was very oldstyle the backrounds anyways and i think that made for a fresh flash with the characters being very fresh and new like, as for the animation it was quaick smooth and fast but still very enjoyble, but i did like and enjoy it in its fullest so nice job on this, and pico day was fun with a few good pico flashes such as this one.

Make it longer maybe add a few other new characters,

Funny pico day 2011 entry.


ToonCastleTV responds:

it's true I would love for this flash to have been longer to, but due to time constraints this is the best I could do ! thanks for the great review :D

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