
20,788 Movie Reviews

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It was an interesting, and good animation, but you need to add a few more things next time like a background, and some sound, i like the way you draw your characters, and how you animated this in frame by frame. The story is kind of cute, but needed a bit more at times, i think your doing a really good job so far so keep it up...


((( COOL )))

I see you went for a black, and white with some color style kind of art that is cool...

The animation very well done frame by frame, and i really enjoyed the story you have created for this animation, i like the music its very clear, and your drawings are very detailed...

Maybe some more shading on things would have been nicer, but its still very good indeed...


((( HEH )))

That is one fucked up computer you have there...

The animation is really well drawn, and has lots of good details to it, i like the odd story you have here of showing us the failures of a Mac, and the comedy of it all. The sound needs to be a lot louder, and clearer on a lot of parts, but good job on this so far, and keep it up...


((( FREAKY )))

Haha that was somewhat freaky and disturbing, but also made me laugh heh, the character was cool, and decent animation, i like your style of story and you bring good humor to the flash screen, which is why i liked it so much, so notbad, hope to see more soon...


((( HEH )))

I didnt know people still made these heh, they have come along way with the b&W style, and killing, the animation seemed abit slow, but nice blood effects, hope to see more flash from you soon...


((( FUNNY )))

Haha that was cool, the sprites were not bad either, very pixleated, but funny, the audio sound/fx was a nice touch for the dancing and Sonic did do good hehe, anyways nice work...


((( NICE )))

Good job for a Mario flash, i like the way you started it out just like the real old video games do, and i like the whole point of this movie the story was pretty entertaining. The sounds were ok just like the game too, and i like how you drew the title yourself, and the effort you put into this...


((( GOOD )))

Its a good job, but you need to add a little more depth into things, and more detail into the clouds would have been more cool, but its good, i like the story, and the main character is drawn really well in this animation, so good job, and keep up the effort...


Ragnarok2k3 responds:

Thank you, keep watch for part 2

((( HEH )))

Kinda a funny parody, i like the start the most about the DVDs and all, and the rest was funny too. The sound needed a lot of work, and you might want to make it louder next time, i like the ideas you have made here, and your animation is really well drawn...


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