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that was cute

Ok so that was pretty entertaining kinda cute, but it was way too short i thought, the Audio was cute and seemed to fit right in, but it was too short but again also cute and very entertaining, the artwork and animation was pretty good, you probably could use more animations though make it longer and more audio with much more differant scenes would be nice, now these are just a few ideas that could improve on this, something to try out, but for the mostpart it was ok with me and entertaining.

As explained could be longer more scenes, more audio and more stuff all around.

entertaining short here

JBTheAnimator responds:

The animation is done over a video from witch I saw on Youtube.
And youtube vids tend to be very short.
But I liked this one so I thought I should make an animation out of it.
I made it very fast and didn't want to spend a lot of time on it.
I could have added some of my own comedy in it but,
too lazy I guess.
But anyway thanx for the advice. :3

Very cute

wow this is so {CUTE} and the {SONG} is so awsome, the flash toon you have here is so cute, and the {FBF} is very good making it smooth but still in the fbf style, i am sad that it is so short though, you should really try and make it longer, i saw the first one and that one was cute this one is even better and he/she has a friend even, so very welldone there, i really like how you make it smooth on by from one scene to the next just like a {DAY} would really pass, This one was abit longer then the first so thats a plus, but the characters you have here are just so cute and with the great song it makes it a way more complete flash and i really took to this flash, and like what you made of it, i do plan on watching the others, as for improving on this, maybe a tad longer, and start to introduce other characters maybe even the mishaps of a days day, just an idea though, as for this i really enjoyed the flash and cant wait for more.

Try and ad abit more to it, like suggested some of the mishaps of the day, maybe something bad happens but he recovers from it.

another refreshing day with a cute song and cute characters.


Very amusing

Haha ok as soon as i hit play this was {FUNNY} and the {VOICES} are very well done with the animation, i thought maybe you could ad some subtitles not that it needs it or anything but it would be a nice feature to have on this delightful series, I am suprised i have not seen it before, it was not very long but still suprisinly good, and gave me a chuckle so very nice effort on the humor, allthough i thought it could be somewhat funnier, maybe a few more {JOKES} in there and alot more laughing to go with, its ok just seemed like it could have done with abit more laughter i thought, the {CHARACTER} is well drawn in that cute like way, and with the voices it was just right, but again wish it was longer with more scenes and other places he goes and all, but with all that said i did have delightful time with this so very nice job, if anything is to be suggested on improving this i might go with {SUBTITLES} being the top issue but nothing too major.

so as said, make it funnier maybe a few more funnier jokes, more longer and more differant scenes, This was not hard to understand, but it would be a nice option to have some subtitles, gives the flash just that bit more effort, and incase anything was missed you have the text right there. but other then that it was a good lil flash you have here.

Burnt face man you cant get enough of him


Very short but i liked it.

Wow this starts off really crazy, didnt like that it didnt have a Play button, and it loops, gues it doesnt really need a preloader and all since, it was so very {SHORT] it was {AMAZING} though the animation itself was very impressive with good motion and loved the characters and great drawings you had in there, wish there was more color to it though, as it was just all black and white, you did have some and that was cool, but wouldnt mind abit more, ok so here comes a few suggestions for {IMPROVING} lets start off with the looping, now you could ad a stop-action code, to fix that, and also making it longer with more of the world to show aswell as more characters and more scenes all around would be another tip of improvment, the main thing for me is the loopings an easy fix as i did explain above and soon below, but anyways for what it was, it was very smooth and entertaining but just wish there was much more to it as it was very short but very intriging. anyways nice flash animation you have here.

Well as said before, it does need to be longer and have much more content, what you had was awsome, so dont hold back and show us even more of that world, Try and fix that loop, this is an easy provess with some simple action script code, its called a "STOP-ACTION-CODE" now you will also have to add a stop and replay buttons so that the viewer can easily replay you flash aswell, abit more color wouldnt hurt either, i like what you did with the flower but maybe have a character in color with everything else in black and white, anyways here are a few tips hope they help.

A refreshing black and white flash very intriging, but way too short.


Weenog responds:

The problem is this isn't a flash at all but hand drawn, thats the reason its so short, why there's no preloader or stop function...
It's converted it from an mp4 and don't actualy own flash....yet.
Also i noticed from your reviews that you enjoy lots of colour, but the black and white theme was relevant in this short.

Anyway, thanks for the review.

Decent FBF

Ok so this was notbad, it took awhile to {LOAD} thought that was odd since it was not even that big, but anyways, onto your flash, Ok starts off with some good {MUSIC} except the onlything about that is that it was abit {SCRATCHY} and could have been abit lower in sound so it doesnt scratch like that, just an idea though, the second song was abit better but not by much, now as for the {ANIMATION} it was pretty good, somewhat smooth but not as much as i would have liked, the black and white style is ok, but also thought you could have mixed the {B?W} with some other color, maybe if it was even just some spots here and there, maybe even add some sorta {BACKROUNDS} all these ideas would really present a better outcome, for the {SIZE} it was not short but not too long either just right in my opinion, now i could see this getting better, anyways i have been delighted in this entertaining flash, good luck on anything new you have planned.

So there are a few things that could really make this much more better presented, Since you had Stick characters, I suggest making more Character like characters with full color facial details, This will show lots of effort in your character design, it tends to take more effort but the results will pay off alot, Black and white flashes are notbad, but while its black and white, you Should add some color even if just a drop of red or blue here and there, like say a blood drop so that the Black and White reflects more it would be a nice, and would standout abit better, and improving on your Black and White animation, Anyways hope this helped in improving your flash and future stuff

A decent black and white fbf it was amusing


Funny and entertaining

Haha very entertaining with this one, now i did finally get around to reviewing this and soon the others aswell, but i must say this was way too {SHORT} it being only the {2nd} episode and all, whatever happend to the 1st one???, also i noticed this flash {LOOPS} thats one thing you could probably fix, , ill explain down below, but again on the shortness of this, there are alot of episodes in this series and this was funny dont get me wrong, i even like the {VOICE} kinda like the clock voice thingy, but anyways, you did put some effort into this with, some interesting characters use of color, not much animation, and some so-so voices, but these could get better with some other ideas and new scenes, like you should make it {LONGER} and bring in more and new characters aswell as some new scenes and such, i find this series very funny, i hope you make more longer ones with abit more depth though.

Well first off ad more to these, make more of a story out of em, give the viewer something more to grasp onto that way you will have much more fants to something pretty delightfull here, and 2nd You could place a "STOP-ACTION-CODE" it will help for the looping that the flash does, it will make it so that the user presses play and at the end replay, you will also need the propper "PLAY" and "REPLAY" buttons aswell, feel free to stop by the "FLASH" Forums on the newground BBS as they will help you on how to add this script into your flash, A short animation you have here, maybe abit too short i would say to improve on the flash as a whole either make this one longer with much more content or, add more shorts in here such as about 3-5 short short animatins that way it doesnt seem like a waste of one flash space and also you get more viewing for alot of your work instead of just one piece, but anyways these are just a {FEW} things that could help to improve on this episode and this {SERIES} but anyways good luck.

A very funny and amusing short, abit too short if you ask me, but regardless it was entertaining


Awsome effort in this one

This was fun, i also really like what you did with the {PRE-LOADING} the little astroids game at the start was pretty impressive while it was simple it was still very neat and i liked that there was a small game there while the movie/game loaded eventhough the flash was not that large to start off with, so nice job there, I do however there should be more of a {BUTTON} to press rather then just the {TEXT BUTTON} but anyways onto your flash here, I love the {NARATION} in this one, The {ART} was pretty awsome very sharp looking, and the {ANIMATION} was even better, the voices really cameout well also very clear and sharp sounding, you also gave this some great humor with all the differant characters, so good sound clips you have here, it could have used some {SUBTITLES} though, it was great in voices but its just one of those nice little features any movie could use, so props to you for an awsome effort on this with awsome skills and just overall a very entertaining flash, nice job indeed.

Well i did mention some subtitles would be nice, other then that it was a very impressive flash.

Abit long but well worth it, awsome effort into this one.



First of all you may want to ad a {REPLAY} button towards the end of this, i watched it through then decided i wanted to see it again and there was basicly no replay button so thats something you could work on, Now this was more like a {MUSIC-VIDEO} which was neat, and there was lots of use of {COLOR} and even a jpeg photo or two which was nice, but this just ended very fast, something that could be improved with some possiblity of more animation, more story and much more content, kinda like your other earlier flashes its just too short and lacks some story, but i did like the use of all the {COLOR} and the fact that it was like a music video and such, But anyways i suggest you rework this one, like the replay button i mentioned earlier, and ,more random stuff if thats the rout your going with, alos making it longer and more with something of a story to it somehow, i did get a laugh from this, but it does need more effort on your part of things to make it even better.

make a replay button at the end screen, make it longer, more depth and some sorta story would be nice also.

Another random yet entertaining flash


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