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Entertaining for pico day

This was very pleasent and very colorfull it had a very {DREAMY} feel to it, the only bad part was that it ended so quickly, i like the music but maybe something more smoother would have flowed better with this?? This was more like a {MUSIC-VIDEO} but for some reason the music didnt fit, the animation flowed very well though and i rather enjoyed it, it was very pleasent and entertaining just abit on the {SHORT-SIDE} so as i said before and for a helpfull tip on improving would give it a more smoother music tune something that flows better other then that it was very good, anyways keep up the good work.

A differant choice of music would have been nice, something to flow more better,

Decent flash for pico day very pleasent


coughing-dog responds:

thanks, unfortunately I didnt get much time to spend on the music so I chose a track Tyson made and tried to 'fit' the animation as best I could to the track. I thought it worked pretty well but yeah it was a rushed effort, exactly the same reason why it wasnt very long.

Entertaining and amusing

Ok so i did get a good laugh out of this all, and it was pretty entertaining and funny, the whole {BUTTON} was ok but that seemed to dragon the flash, now there are a number of things you could do to clean this up and make it run smoother but before that i do want to say that it was pretty entertaining, wish it had some sound like voices, but overall it was entertaining, so as to improve, first off i would remove the buttons explained below, also some better subtitles are needed, the text was too small, You should really think about addings some voices it would better improve the film as a whole, but anyways more explained below, other then that was just said i thought it was pretty funny and entertaining.

Remove the buttons let it flow more like a movie, it doesnt slow it down and if you are worried about the text, why not add some {VOICES} also the text it self was hard to read as it was kind of small, other then that it was alright.

A funny moment for family guy lol


Decent matrix theme flash

Hmmm ok well first off this was not too bad even for being an older flash and all from years ago but as for the start you had a loader page that was more on the simple side of things. the {FONT} could have been better maybe have more depth to it and such. the rest was actually ok, i would even think about removing the {AUDIO} in the opening loader page aswell, Now the characters and all the {TWEENING} was ok but i think to better improve off that you should do less tweening and more detail on the character would be much better,Also remove the buttons on the Bubble screens so that it flows more like a movie, instead of always having to click away, tends to get anoying that way. ok so with all that said i did like the {MATRIX} theme was a good flash but also could be cleaned up as stated before, so overall funny and entertaining with this one.

Start with the {FONT} could have been better maybe have more depth to it, i would even think about removing the {AUDIO} in the opening loader page aswell, i think to better improve off that you should do less tweening and more detail on the character would be much better,Also remove the buttons on the Bubble screens so that it flows more like a movie, instead of always having to click away, tends to get anoying, so try and clean up those areas and you will have something even better to work with.

A funny and entertaining matrix theme.


Amusing could use some more effort

Hmm now this was a neat little flash here, seems like if you did put some effort fourth ahead on this, but at the sametime you can put even more as it does have potential, I like that you had a little story here, The characters were ok but maybe you could make them a bit {LARGER} that way you could put more detail on them like the faces and such, instead of gradients use more shades and details, for stuff like the backrounds, also more detail on stuff like doors walls, you did show some nice detail on the trashcan, and then there is the {FONTS} you have an ok one but you should make it standout better with a differant style font maybe a more fancy one, now all these tips will only improve on your work here, and make it more enjoyble for all to see, so you do have an ok idea here just needs more effort to it, anyways good luck on your next flash works.

Make the characters a bit larger scale and with that you can add some more detail like faciial and hands, also some more work on the backrounds would be nice also you are using alot of {GRADIENTS} try doing some shades and differant use of colors, and last but not least, ad some better or fancy fonts

An older flash but still amusing at the sametime it still needs some more effort.


Awsome graphics

Now this was a pretty good flash especially for the pico day collection for 2010 anyways it was brilliant and entertaining right from the start and gives off abit of everything, this i thought was a pretty good animation and one of my fave of the pico day so nice effort on that one, I also like all the action scenes and there was alot to see so all and all you really put alot of effort from start to finish with lots to see lots to really enjoy, i do however think you should have added much more then that, maybe you could even expand this off into some sorta series with lots of action scenes and lots of great newground characters and all it might be something to really be neat to see, i would like to see something like that, but regardless of all that you did very well on this, i suggest some small fixes maybe like much more content especially more action scenes, maybe some nifty effects to go with the awsome graphics, but other then that i really liked what you have presented here.

Well as explained more content some flashy effects would help

Nice graphics and lots of action scenes


Decent effort

Now this one is notbad i thought, the guitar playing is actually alright, but seems thats all he does, i think you could really go with something like this, such as giving him much more {BODY-MOVMENT} like a real rocker might make him go really wild, also you could work on the {ART} a bit more give the pants more {DETAIL} more stuff that you would really see today, and another thing was he was just on the stage you should have him move around the stage, as another idea you could have some tv screens of the concert or even show more of the {FANS} these are just some ideas that could help improve on a great little flash here, so keep up the good work, not sure you are making flash anymore but abit more effort would be nice. so once again nice job keep up the good work.

Some more detail on the clothing and making more body movment, like he is really rocking away would be a start to improve on a nice piece here

A good start of a concert but needs more work


Could be longer

lol now that was funny i like the voice dubs, it was a neat little extra there that made it more real and such, humor you added, must have took you a bit to put all this together with the voices and all, as for the content, some "SUBTITLES" wouldnt hurt just to give it that real movie feel and such, but really for the mostpart i enjoyed it especially the tent scene, and atleast we know why they always were buddies haha, good lil flash you have here funny and very entertaining but thats what i have come to expect from your work, so dont stop now and enlighten us with even more stuff as good as this if not better, anyways nice job, Now as for improving subtitles would be one start i supose, maybe make more of these little shorts in some sorta series or something, anyways keep up the awsome humor and animation work. Well untill next time.

Make more like in a series with the same voiceovers, maybe even adding some subtitles would be a nice touch

Scooby and shaggy, now we know the truth


This was funny

Haha ok i got a good laugh from this one, but you probably want fix it and clean it up for one it {LOOPS} so you could add a stop action code, and that should stop that, also you can add some {SUBTITLES} it would be funny to show whats beeing said and all, cause some of the stuff is funny, and it was abit short, so it was entertaining, but still needs to be fixed up, and the {AUDIO} was abit scratchy that could also be cleared up for abit more quality, so improving on this are the 3 main tips suggested, scratchy audio, some subtitles, and fixing the looping with a stop-action-code, its entertaining but would be much better with some slight changes, anyways nice flash you have here.

the 3 main tips suggested, scratchy audio, some subtitles, and fixing the looping with a stop-action-code,

Funny idea but needs some work.


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