Decent story of battle
for an older flash its notbad and its a good little {BATTLE} the story plays out pretty good, and really neat to see the battle play out into differant scenes, i like the detail with the backrounds in the first scene but you should have done the same with the rest of the scenes as they ended up being more bland with just the gradients, also the {TEXT BUBBLES} could use some work like more {BOLDER} bubbles and text maybe even make the text black so it standsout better, now these are just a few ideas that could improve on the flash its actually an ok flash just needs abit more of that effort, so work on the text bubbles, and the backrounds in the later scenes other then that it was an ok story and flash.
the later scenes in the backrounds with the {GRADIENTS} were abit bland, make it more like the city backround you had in the first scene, and the text in the text bubbles could be more bold to standout more
An interesting story of battle, could use some work.