hmm well now this was a very large flash, took a good while to load up so maybe for the sake of other machines and slower ones you may want to lower the file just abit or even put it in 2 parts or something along them lines, Now the flash toon itself is pretty cute and entertaining, it has a light shade of color and the the animation is notbad, the voice over was great too, that brings me to another tip but not really needed but by adding some {SUBTITLES} you might make it abit better not that you cant understand but its always an extra touch to have, besides that this was welldone and like i said a funny and entertaining flash so good work and good luck on any new stuff coming to the portal.
Some lower filesize, probably the audio is dragging it that much, even the end song, also adding some subtitles would be a nice extra touch.
Differant kind of flash some nice animation could use some file reduction though.