
20,788 Movie Reviews

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562 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

((( NICE )))

Its a nice little animation you have, but you need to work on animating the body of your character a bit more, but i like what i see so far. The title is good, i like how you used a gun to make in i in snipper, and i like the story you have here...


((( GOOD )))

Its a good animation, and has an odd story, but its entertaining, i like how you set everything up here, and the art you have drawn is very nice indeed. The sound is nice but a bit scratchy, i think that next time it would be more cool to add some more color to the animation, but it looks good so far...


((( OK )))

Its ok, but the file size is really big, and you might want to work on lowering that, and making the size of the window a bit larger, but its still ok to watch like this, i think that your animation is ok, but a bit pixley, and needs to be smoother. The story is good, and i like the idea behind this its a good effort so far...


((( COOL )))

It is better then the last one you made, and i like all the little improvments in here. The tutorial is good but you could have used a better template to show how to make things with more effects, but it still looks pretty nice, i like how good your instructions on making this are, and the example at the end was a good idea to put there...


((( LOL )))

This was just really well put together. The animating of the sprites was really nice, and the sound effects were really good just like in the video games and i like how you used them to make things all work together smoothly like that, i like the story, and it made me laugh at parts, so good job...


((( IT WAS OK )))

I have seen some of this anime and it looks as if you took parts from the movie and re did it but its ok i guess it would have been cooler if you drew them in your own way or maybe make a new episode out of it instead of using the trailor, but good effort on this is nice to watch...


((( HAHA )))

Haha well notbad, that was funny, it was ok but could be better improved, the "Y" was a neat idea, maybe make more character like characters though, and some better backrounds would help aswell, it made me chuckle a few times so its all good, nice job...


((( COOL )))

Wow i have not seen one of these in sometime, very cool, the i love egg song was great, and always with the smooth animating and such cheery eggs haha, nice work like always, hope to see more soon...



Well notbad, its an interesting idea, but seems somewhat slow, needs more animation with characters and stuff, and also could be improved with some faster speed of the different pics and stuff...


((( FUNNY )))

There is something funny about an egg rolling around by the river, and swimming hehe...

The animations you have here are cool, but it could have used some more shading and detail, i like the story and how well the animation goes with the story...

Keep it up...


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