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Well this was notbad, the visuals were ok and slightly dated but still good, and you gave this some humor and that made up for the graphics, overall it was notbad.

The only thing here I can see improvements would be posibly the "VOICES" they are not perfect but could be slightly better.


Great artwork

I had fun with this and while not revolutionary, I love the idea of itself. I have been writing this review and come to enjoy this, It didn't seem to go with a general theme, just kind of random. It was interesting that way. This was various things that i could think of, you have done a Wonderfully Enticing job so nice work indeed. This sort of reminded me of the old toon "REN and STIMPY" had the same kind of humor and even art style so nice effort there, also like the music in the intro of the film. And on an ending note to the review I thought it was an overall decent film, no real hick-ups about it but if I do have any issues about it I will post them below in the improvments area.

So I got a lot of good from this flash it was amazing actually, But also there is lots of room for improvments, just a few things here and there, but the extra effort would really improve on this and make it better and a great flash overall. More "SHADES" in the bird more deeper colors aswell.



Now its stuff like this that I really take a like too, it has all the elements and has just some unique sense about them, so you have done a good job here and while I do say that there could be more done, but I wont touch up on that yet, Well as im deep into the review I must say this was pretty "CREATIVE" and while "SPRITES" are not my thing you have done pretty well here. And overall this was notbad of a flash as mentioned it could use a few things here and there but thats with all flash works that just comeout, It was an entertaining flash and I really enjoyed it hope to see more soon. You can really Produce a good product here, and give much enjoyment to all the ones who watch so anyways good work here.

I really enjoyed this flash here, there was alot of stuff and that really kept me interested aswell as entertained, Now while this was pretty good you could still use a few tips. Instead of an ongoing film maybe have "CHOICES" of the different animation by different artists and what not, just an idea to think about.


Notbad work here

Its not all the time that one comes across a flash submission like this one, its somewhat differant but has an exciting feel and touch here, As soon as this started it was something unique and differant ofcourse but thats more on the plus side of things. there is alot of Potential within this and I would love to see that excell to higher hights. This was kind of "ARTISTIC" with the artsy like colors and all, the animation was decent the one thing that could be better here would be maybe adding subtitles and making this film longer. I feel this could have been a little better you want to Grasp the audiance with some dazzling visuals, and some sparkly touces, Now you did present a good flash submission here, it was pretty entertaining but again could use some work.

Improvments are always a plus in this area, so try and work on some of the ideas and suggestions I have suggested, some of them would really help, while others might just be more think tank ideas. the one thing that could be better here would be maybe adding subtitles and making this film longer



Before I get started on this review I would like to take this time and say that this was a decent flash entry and you have done alot to bring the fun and entertaining value to the table, so props to you for that, as for the rest it was all a good flash and I really enjoyed what you have presented here, glad to see you putting the effort fourth here. This was amusing and with a cute song to go with it, love the fresh use of colors and what not it was a good cute flash so notbad at all And so we come to the end of the review, a decent flash works here, some nice and entertaining stuff to see, and while it was not perfect of even the best I have seen on this site, I must still say that I was pleasently pleased with the outcome and glad it had some humor to it, so on that astrospect of things it was a decent flash movie submission.

So some ideas for improvment are always a plus, just have to put the time and effort and remember the details is what can make it a great hit, so i hope with some of these tips that I have mentioned in the review and down below will help, and if not I had a good time checking this out. and hope to see some better improvments in the future. Well I would like o see the character do more random and funny stunts, maybe throw in some splashes of random color in there aswell.


Deflector shield lol

Well here we are on the last one in the series and it was just as funny as all the rest, While I have griped over a few things and how short these are, they are still funny stuff, I hope one day we see more of these.

Well you know me longer, more scenes, more story, subtitles etc.



The trailer looks pretty funny especially the han solo/indie scene, aswell as the explosions lol, you have for sure given me a good laugh with these, very entertaining.

As always I would love some longer scenes and more story aswell.


Amazing work

An entertaining flash submission here I like the content you got going on with this one, its pretty interesting, and while its not the most perfectioned flash around i still thought it was pretty good, maybe later I will suggest some new ideas, but for now I think you did a good job on this one. I was Excitedly awaiting what would happen nexton this one. Here was some pretty amazing work lots of action fun stick battles and some nice effects all arounds. And with all that said I sadly come to a close on this review, or atleast almost, below are some improvment points hope they are used or even considered somewhat, but anyways this was a pretty decent flash entry could have used some more effort, more style and more all around detail.

Maybe the onlything you really need to work on would be some backround effects, there was some good effects but more focus on the backround would be a plus.



Aww I see you have added a new logo page, and even added some subtitles, but these were still pretty short but glad to see these are still going.

Make them longer, and more content but Im sure I have mentioned that before.


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