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This was funny kind of short almost like a "TRAILER" but the smooth art and cute characters are pretty good and made for a good little X-mas story here so nice job.

Maybe make it longer with more content it was funny though.


Very creative

This was a really cool submission, While not as good as some other stuff, it's still very nice to look, So it was a good Discovery There was various strong points some weaker points aswell, You have some good content and Material here on this flash and made it all worth the while, Later I will Recommend some ideas but thats later and only if it needs them. Now this was very creative here, I like all the robots and the whole newgrounds theme was nice, even liked some of the old music themes, I think you could ad more "EFFECTS" to spruce things up like sparks around there movements and such, more effects would be great. What can I say more, you won some awards for this great flash, the award speaks for it self and shows off your effort in making this, so great effort and great flash. So first of all great flash here, You have shown the effort and presented a good flash here, I found it amusing and entertaining, allthough this could use abit more to it I was still enlightened by it, and hope to see more from you soon. This was pretty awsome. But certainly Could use more work and more effort in some spots and what-not. Good luck on everything else.

There is allways room for improvment and while your flas was pretty decent there were a few stuff and details that could have some slight more effort, So I suggest a few ideas and tips below hoping that it will only make things better,try some or all of the tips and ideas out, and let your flash shine even more. so good luck on improving tis, it looks like it can be even better. Spruce things up like sparks around there movements and such, more effects would be great.



Always love mario and the theme song is from that old mario super show from back in the day, notbad one the animation was pretty good and matched up to the music pretty good.

Wouldnt mind this being a tad bit longer maybe even bring in some other mario bros characters.



How to start off this review of this interesting yet mystery of a flash here, you have alot going on here, some stuff I was not on par with but its how it was presented so you do have something decent here and i quite enjoyed what you have presented, you have done a Wonderfully and Enticing job here and glad I found this Discovery of a flash, good job. Haha this was cute, I do like the "BLACK AND WHITE" theme here but I could see you adding some color into this maybe just a bit of touch up of color like a spot here and there, like a small item or object while the rest is the black and white theme, just an idea to think about. The animation was actually pretty decent most of the time and could use some adjustments on other areas, I will Clarify some ideas and tips later in the improvments section, But honestly this was a pretty decent submission.

maybe a good idea maybe a not so good ideaa. And there is some pretty good ways on going about it aswell, so give it a try, the extra effort will be a plus to all. A new idea for you, A decent flash you have here, even the black and white style is pretty good, makes the whole flash kind of unique, if you add some color, maybe just spots here and there or random items or stuff, maybe a focus on red or blue or even blue, but mixing in some color would be great, give it a try.



The lazer turtle is pretty funny I only seen a few of his scenes but again a nice flash here with some amusing humor as you always put fourth just kind of sad that it is comming to an end soon.

Well these are not bad just wish they were longer.


haha its a trap

God this series has really grown on me but its a good random stuff here and glad I had the chance to review these, and maybe one day there will be more.

Make more but especially make them longer.


lol funny

This was pretty funny this guy is really funny so that was a good audio to go with here, the art you put in here was notbad and seemed fitting, was a tad bit short though.

Could be longer and have more jokes and such.


Amazing animation

It is always a pleasure to review differant stuff, and I like what I have come acoross here its differant but also has some of the mainstream style that i have also come to enjoy so nice work there, But anyways once again its a pleasure to review this project, Its certainly something differant, Perhaps more stuff like this would be interesting. Now lets really detail on this review you seem to have got everything here almost perfectly from smooth animation, to subtitles and some good action, even the voices are pretty good, maybe adding more flashy effects all around and more sparkle to it. Congradulations on the awards, this flash was decent and you really went beyone the edge so nice work on getting some awards, i look forward to more stuff like this. An entertaining flash with lots of enjoyment and lots to see and the visuals were great a very pleasent and fantastic flash. keep at it i like your work and cant wait to see moreof your endeavors in flash movies and games. My Closing Remarks would be keep at it, keep up the decent works and i hope to see more of your work sometime soon.

There alot you can do with this, I thought I would atleast suggest a few ideas I hope you do use some of them since it will improve on an already decent flash, so below i have suggested some new ideas and old tips that can make it all worth your while, keep up the good effort. and keep up the animation skills, your effort shows, but never hurts for some practice. maybe adding more flashy effects all around and more sparkle to it.



So fast and so short, lol dont get me wrong its funny stuff indeed, and I had a good time with this one just way too short and would love to see much more effort on stretching these out.

Well like mentioned above longer version episodes, and more content.


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