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A great story

Wow those opening scenes really get me every time artistic in its own way, you have some nice work its like clicking on a painting and boom a whole world opens up so here again no changes needed at all its fantastic, so much energy pushed forward on this one so I was most impressed with the story but the visuals themself are something really good, you have some nice ideas and showcase them, you have some great visions that you bring forward here I was very impressed

so here again no changes needed at all its fantastic


Love the color

Wow the color in this is just absolutly amazing you have some nice detail and the animation flows along very nice so nice job indeed, the cute voice was just perfect but what I love about this piece most of all is that it has some amazing and artistic art like the backround details so my suggested advice and opinion is that you should make more of these make a series with this same flow of style but anyways some amazing work here.

my suggested advice and opinion is that you should make more of these make a series with this same flow of styl


Love the visuals

I love how these opening scenes come in with some really amazing details and visuals and the music really fits so well, the visuals really jump out and make it a full fledged adventure with awsome charactres a beautiful story line, the visuals really are unique all the different characters play a specific role and bring the story together so really nice movie series you have going here.

I really dont feel this needs changes as it is an older film series but also its pretty solid on its own.



So this was notbad at all kind of short and quick but the art work was pretty nice and some very colorful element here, you have some good ideas here with this one some really nice visuals and a pleasent toon you have here so my suggestion here is just make more fun toons anyways great stuff.

my suggestion here is just make more fun toons


A nice entry here

The visuals are amazing on this film series very epic including the start of the credits some really nice stuff was very impressed, no changes needed in this epic film, So this was a nice entry you have here this one had some nice style the story itself was pretty amazing with all the action that is going on and taking place, you really make for some nice element here, a good action pased adventure here I really enjoyed this particular one.

really nice stuff was very impressed, no changes needed in this epic film


A fun lock movie

nice flashing there this was a more random one but overall still good, almost like a music video even anyways nice job here no changes needed, A fun lock movie here while most lock films are fun this one was extra fun and has some interesting elements that bring on a good story here and some nice action moments that make this one have a little twist more then most others its a fun lock flick indeed.

nice job here no changes needed



So this was a nice idea your character work is pretty amazing some great cute like characters and ofcourse the voices are really nice too, this was a bit short so maybe making it a bit longer would be a nice touch up, anyways good work here I look forward to more.

this was a bit short so maybe making it a bit longer would be a nice touch up


An interesting lock movie

Well that was interesting love the different scenes on this and here is one film thats does not need any changes, I thaught it was welldone for what you have here, A fun and wild lock movie you have created here the art was nice, An interesting lock movie you have here with some nice story line here and somewhat of an adventure a good lock movie here make more soon.

here is one film thats does not need any changes


An amazing Lock submission

Love the fresh colors and very vibrant a good little story too, no major changes on this particular lock animation, So this was ana mazing story and film here of a great classic lock related movie you cant go wrong with some lock movies like this I do wish there was more of these kinds of movies as they were a nice counter besides clocks but also braught great adventures.

no major changes on this particular lock animation


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