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((( DECENT )))

This is an ok decent animation you have here, i liked how the one grey guy kept trying to get the black dude. The animation was ok, but the movements were a bit slow maybe next time you could speed up the movements of things, its still nicely done though, and your doing good so far...


((( LOL )))

Well its pretty good for a video, and i had to laugh at certain parts like the thing with the card, and him just looking at it and taking it was really funny. The sound was nice, but a bit scratchy for using a cemera, but it still sounded good...

The text was kinda hard to see, maybe next time you could put a background behind it to make it more visible, but its a nice video you have made...


((( HEH )))

Its was a bit funny at times, and very violent a lot, but it was good, i liked how he just freaked out over working at a peanut butter factory, and how he called moutain clock something else hehe, the animation was good, and well detailed. The sound was nice, and you did a good job of making clock voices, i enjoyed watching this very much indeed...


HydraulicCat responds:


((( OK )))

This is a nice idea that you have to make a animation based on when you were kids, i loved how the cow would shoot out milk to show the credits at the start haha, your story is ok, but i hope to see the second part so you can see what will happen next...

Maybe next time you could add some sound effects, and voices into the animation to make it a bit more entertaining, but good job so far...


Faz626 responds:

OK! I put this movie onto newgrounds to show gavin wats been happening so far with the movie. He doesnt have flash so i came up with this idea. This is only a small portion of the movie which will have sound effects and voices. Ok?

((( COOL )))

Cool style you have, i liked the way you made the bar looked kinda 3D with your detail to it, the black, and white color theme was ok, and i really liked how you drew your characters in this they had a lot of effort in them. The music was nice, and it went good with your story, i also liked the story in this, it was really nice to watch...


((( ROFFL )))

This was great, the story he tells is just really funny at the end i had to laugh haha, i liked the way you animated the guy, and the apple music you used with this animation was really clear, and sounded good, i liked the logo for your site it looked very nice, and your drawing skills are really nice, you put good effort into this...


((( NICE )))

It is a nice series so far, and i really liked how you draw your characters. The sound effects were ok, but you repeat a lot of the effects over, and over and you can tell your doing this, but it still sounds nice for your first time with sound, i liked the part with Ace the most, and chuckled a bit at it. The music at the start was good, and went well with the animation, i liked the way you drew your penguins the most...


((( DECENT )))

Umm this was an ok animation, but some parts were really odd, and it would have been nice if you made your own kinda style animation, but it was ok to watch, and you did a good job with animating it. The sound needs work, because the voices do not add up to what they are saying at times, so maybe you should work on fixing that, but it is a decent job so far...


((( WOW )))

That was just so cool, and awesome the 3D animation you have created here is really nice. The music goes well with the ninjas movments. The 3D graphics are really detail, and well done, i liked the newgrounds introduction the most out of your 3D animations here, and the way you made your ninja move so realistically is really nice too...

Keep up the great work...


((( GOOD )))

Good animation it was a bit short, but i did enjoy it. The sound was nice, but you might want to work on animating the twins lips more to their voices because it was a bit off, but everyone else had good voices, i liked the werid things that the students did in this the things were a bit random, but that made it more funny, i liked the effort, and detail you put into this the most...


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