Haha great ideas here
You have started with something good here, And I must say you have a pretty good flick here, Some things start out with Advanced and Excitedly ideas, You have brought your A-Game with this flash and it shows. Looking forward to the rest of this entry. I like the idea of a real video and some flash-tastic visuals to combine for something really impressive and it did not drag on and gave some good humor aswell, tom is an actor lol, anyways nice work here. OK first off decent flash you have here, there was some nifty points in it, Maybe later more Clarification on some confused parts I had, But i still must say you oudid yourself with this And you sure do know how to Produce some interesting flash works here, So let me take this Opportunity to thank you for a delightfull flash experience.
Could be slightly longer and wouldnt mind some more "EFFECTS" maybe with flash that can come alive some how.