
20,788 Movie Reviews

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((( DECENT )))

Its a good idea you had to make fun of Vaders "Nooo" with Wheel of Fortune, i liked how he was on it, and how his voice sounded the most. The best thing about this animation was the comedy in it, and i enjoyed watching it for a laugh...

Maybe next time you could add some more detail into your animation, but this is decent...


((( HAHA )))

That a funny story for a animation hehe, i liked how this guy goes nuts over someone not turning off the lights, i liked the part where is he on NG the most, and the ownage time text you had. The drawings are good, and i like how you animated the voices to their lips. The sound is also good, and it went nice with this, i hope the see the next part soon...


((( NICE )))

Its a cute, and nice story you have here, i liked the plot of the story, and i liked the love parts in it too. The animations were nice, and you made some really nice bacgrounds. The music was cool too, and it went really good with your setting of the story, i hope to see more stuff like this...


((( AWESOME )))

Cool animation, i liked the detail in your drawings, and the effort you put into this is awesome, i liked how he danced on the elevator that was animated really nice. The story was just really funny, i laughed at a lot of parts in it like the reason he got arrested that was an original, and funny idea...



Hmm it looks to be like an interesting series, i liked this second opening you have made. The graphics are nice, and you did a good job of creating cool characters, and backgrounds. The music goes nice with this, i liked how you made it eye catching, and full of detail...


((( OK )))

Well its an ok version of madness, and you are good at drawing, and animating the madness characters. The sound effects are good, and it was put together well, i liked that pink guy he looked really silly, and was funny to watch that...

Maybe next time you could make things a bit faster, because things were running a bit laggy, but it was still nice to watch...


killermonster responds:

yeah ill try second one will be better :)

((( COOL )))

This was very cool, i liked the way you animated your animation, and the characters you have created here are cool. The story is pretty good, and the action scenes in here are done well, i liked the sound effects you had, and the music in the background was ok...

Good job...


((( FAST FLASH )))

Cool, this was neat, the thing with the eyes was funny, the flash seemed to move by very fast from scene to scene which was cool, and the slight sound/fx was ok, i would suggest slower scenes and more dialog, but nice job on the artwork, keep it up...


((( HAHA )))

This is kinda funny i chuckled at some of the parts in this, and it was an odd little animation, but good. The graphics are really good, and your characters are well drawn, i liked the way you had text in the corners at times just like in comics...

Good job...


ramonestheused77 responds:

Well thanks for the good reveiw. I think that this was much better animated than the first. Hobbes and I worked hard on making some great jokes for the script.

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