
20,788 Movie Reviews

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562 reviews are hidden due to your filters.

((( COOL )))

Well this was a really good Mario sprite movie, i liked how you have them fight over candy, and how at the end you can choose your own winner.The sprites are really well done, and animated well, i like the Matrix scene you did with them the most. The sound effects, and music go nice with this, and i really enjoyed this movie...


((( GOOD )))

Wow that looked really awesome how you turned Marios world into a Saprano setting, and i liked how you used things from Marios world to create it. The sound is nice, and goes right with your trailer, i think the animations are really well done, and looked nice, i liked the whole idea you had here its very good...


((( HMM )))

O.0 Umm, that was a very interesting animation, the characters are very original, and have interesting personalities, i liked how the one character would smoke a cigaret all the time it was funny to see an animal do that. The sound was good you used some nice voices for your characters. You put a lot of effort into this, and it shows...


((( ROFFL )))

Well you have good drawings, and nice graphics it was a really funny movie, i liked how he kept having to save the princess, and how he went not again hehe, the song was really funny, and i enjoyed how you animated your animation to the song, and all the thing that were in it, nice job...


((( GREAT )))

Haha that was a great idea you had to try to get the basketball in the basket, i liked the part where his head becomes the ball, and the part where he becomes the ball the most, your pretty good with making good stories...

Maybe next time you could work on your background, and add some detail, and color to it, but you are doing good so far with your animation...


((( HAHA )))

Haha that was really funny, i liked the whole thing where he tries to get his cookies like that, and how there not even there in the end. The sprites are really done well, and they were very smooth, and well detailed, i liked when Mario came in and toad fell, great job...


((( AWESOME )))

Awesome animation drawing, and animations you have here, i like how you made fun of Anikan the most that was really funny, and the stuff that Yoda said was pretty funny too, the sound is nice, and i liked the voices you have in here. The backgrounds are really detail, and you put good effort into making this animation...


((( IT WAS OK )))

Nice sprite for Halo you have here, i liked the way you animated them to fight each other like that, i also liked how you used a mario background as your background that made it a bit funny, but cool. You should probably finish it, because it was entertaining, and nice to watch...


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