Funny and amusing
Now when i saw this i was glad to see another episode, i have watched some of them and this one was intersting very funny indeed, First of all the {GRAPHICS} are very welldone, not your normal style, the {VOICES} were pretty straigt on and good wouldnt hurt to have some subtitles though, the voices were somewhat deep, but could help more with some subtitles. but the first one was great, funny, i like how you present these, maybe you should put in more then just the two, but from what you do have it was great, and love how you use differant styles for the graphics, To improve on this, i would have more then just the two toons, maybe a 3rd one so its not too big, but maybe make more with some other wacky and strange stuff happening, but anyways great stuff you have here, i loved it.
Add another toon or two, maybe even have some more {EFFECTS} like with the second toon, there seemed to be more stuff going on.
A couple of good and fun clips of xmas destruction