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well first off, the intro was pretty intense, love the visuals and sound/fx so prop to you there, now as i saw the other one it was good i like this one, the song at the start of the flash was very good one, but then you tottally change it, that kinda confuesed me, i thought that you should let it play like a {MOVIE} especially with the song at the begenning, but when you change it up it really throws you off and kinda doesnt make sense at times, might seem better if it was played as a movie, and maybe not so much cut scene were it changes so fast, i really love the art and animation was very neat and differant, nice 3d effects with them art scenes, So it was a good flash but was confusing with the changing of scenes and music changes, but anyways good flash, hope to see more work soon.

Let it flow like a music video, and less cut scenes, let it flow into each one there aswell

Good series so far.


CaKeS1 responds:

Thank you, glad you came by to watch the second. I'm not sure but I was thinking of remaking this installment, because like you said it kinda confuses people and changes way to much. I would've loved to keep this a mystery series rather then a random killing sequence of animations that don't fit together. Thanks for the tips and support, I might remake this one, or if I feel comfortable after thinking about it a lot, I might just make a third.

Awsome and funny

Haha this was great, very funny right from the start and made me laugh a few times, so i really enjoyed this, you really played off the joke very well, and the animation which was welldone was just right, even the voices was great, a welldone animation great joke awsome humor, i really enjoyed what you have presented here, so props to you on an awsome animation, and i will for sure checkout more of your work, As to improve on this, i wouldnt mind see the joke go abit further with more blood and stuff anyways great stuff i enjoyed this.

add more stuff so its abit longer and so the guy shows throwing more stuff at him

Funny and entertaining


psychicpebbles responds:

thanks for that awesome review :D

Odd but i liked it

First off great job on putting up some awsome and differant {VIEW-SHOTS} and second you put together some awsome {MUSIC} that seemed to flow well with the slow but fitting {ANIMATION} this was really neat from start to finish with the flow of it but mostly the {STORY} it was actually nice with the silent but some {VOICES} might have gave it an even more strange feel, which was a good thing, now i have to disagree with the {CREDITS} music it seemed to not fit with the whole setting, but still a great little flash here, infact i almost added it to my faves list, if it were not for that ending credit music, but other then that it was a very pleasent flash and story, as to improve on this well the music at the end i would remove, but more ideas and tips on how to improve on this more below, anyways good luck on any new work

The ending credit music should be something more soft as the films music was, seems more fitting that way, another idea might be adding some soft voices to add to the odd and strange effect of your idea.

An odd yet good flash i liked it very much.


CaKeS1 responds:

Thank you for such an elaborate review. It helps me a lot. Though this is pretty old xD I'm thinking about remaking A Signal (the sequel to this) as I kinda just got off track and ruined it. But still, thanks for the input!


LOL ok i must say this was probably one of the more funnier shorts then the 4 you have out, now you could have done alot more with this one though, like with the ending you could have the red guys, have done something to get more in a more funny and amusing way, maybe they chase him down for a bit and stomp on him, might make for a more funny and entertaining flash but what you have here was pretty funny, but as i have said in the other shorts, you should add more shorts to one flash, since they are very short, and some nice cute animation with the menu screen wouldnt hurt either, anyways good luck on any new stuff you may make, anyways nice job once again. So as improvments longer, more animation and a more funnier ending.

As stated just above, needs to have a more amusing and funnier ending, some animation in the menu screen like you have some of the later episodes

Another amusing episode


Mario8th responds:

Thanks. Hey, maybe you could give me an idea for my next animation on your next review or on youtube = D

no, but really, thanks

Another amusing short

Haha ok so i broke down and finnally saw this one, now i must say the earlier ones get shorter, so atleast the later ones do get better and that shows some improvments, this one was way short though, and i still say you should add more shorts to one flash to make it more stuff for the viewer to see, And on this one would have been nice to see abit more animation at the play screen also, now these are just ideas and my opinions in which it could improve somewhat, but even for a short you should add molre to each one or make them along with other shorts as i said before, Now dont get me wrong i really like these shorts, with the differant mario charcaters, and i love that you have variaty and not just mario, anyways hope to see more from you seen.

More animation in the menu screen, abit longer of content on this one, more other characters to be shown would be nice aswell.

Another funny mario short


Mario8th responds:

This was actually before i knew how to make the animations at the beginning. But know I do and animating is much easier.

Amusing and funny

So now we are here with episode #4 I had the pleasure of watching #3 so this was a treat, and like the front menu page, even with some animation there one improvment there could be the {FONT} of the title? instead of just the black text title have it more standoutish, As for this little short, it was entertaining and a little longer then before, the {SOUND} quality was really good though very sharp and good quality, so props to you on another fantastic short allthough i would love to see a number of shorts in one episode, but this will due, but mostly it was good, ill be sure to checkout the other episodes.

Make a better font at the start menu of the title,

Amusing and entertaining once again


Mario8th responds:

Thanks! I'll find a cooler font.

Funny and amusing

Now when i saw this i was glad to see another episode, i have watched some of them and this one was intersting very funny indeed, First of all the {GRAPHICS} are very welldone, not your normal style, the {VOICES} were pretty straigt on and good wouldnt hurt to have some subtitles though, the voices were somewhat deep, but could help more with some subtitles. but the first one was great, funny, i like how you present these, maybe you should put in more then just the two, but from what you do have it was great, and love how you use differant styles for the graphics, To improve on this, i would have more then just the two toons, maybe a 3rd one so its not too big, but maybe make more with some other wacky and strange stuff happening, but anyways great stuff you have here, i loved it.

Add another toon or two, maybe even have some more {EFFECTS} like with the second toon, there seemed to be more stuff going on.

A couple of good and fun clips of xmas destruction


DestructoBox responds:

More then 2 shorts in submission probably won't ever happen mostly because that would mean we'd have to NOT release shorts as we finish them just to be able to release them in multishort packs. We'd rather get them to you all asap without waiting for another short to be finished. This was a special case since last years special wasn't on newgrounds and we wanted to bring you all the sequel without waiting another year!

Thanks for watching!

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