Another amusing short
Haha ok so i broke down and finnally saw this one, now i must say the earlier ones get shorter, so atleast the later ones do get better and that shows some improvments, this one was way short though, and i still say you should add more shorts to one flash to make it more stuff for the viewer to see, And on this one would have been nice to see abit more animation at the play screen also, now these are just ideas and my opinions in which it could improve somewhat, but even for a short you should add molre to each one or make them along with other shorts as i said before, Now dont get me wrong i really like these shorts, with the differant mario charcaters, and i love that you have variaty and not just mario, anyways hope to see more from you seen.
More animation in the menu screen, abit longer of content on this one, more other characters to be shown would be nice aswell.
Another funny mario short