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A fun clay movie

Another great one, I especially love the mortal kombat music with this claymation made it that much more fitting some added larger screen size would be really nice, So here was a fun clay movie here some nice visuals with the clay its really nifty to see how all the clay forms out very well this was some nice work and some nice enrgy behind it all so really nice work here, I do wish there was more clay movies such as this one.

some added larger screen size would be really nice


A fun series

So this was a fun series here really love the voices would really love some subtitles it would ad a little extra to the voices anyways nice scene at the beach anyways keep up the good work, I guess vacations can go bad lol anyways make more soon.

Some subtitles would be nice



Nice music with this clay mation the screen could be a tad larger but overall this was nice and creative, Its movies like this that really keep me excited about clay because you make them so unique, a clay-mation production and you cant go wrong with it this particular one was pretty nifty, very nice work here and very creative with the clay formations aswell.

the screen could be a tad larger but overall this was nice and creative,


Random and amusing

Lol the locks are funny and random in this one no changes just make more sometime, there is some nifty entertainment about them all, you do bring out some nice effects and such Random and amusing thats what I get from these, very stylish at times and sometimes simplistic but thats what makes these things kind of funny so really nice work here

no changes just make more sometime


Wow nice

Really nice the characters are really good the dialog between the characters is really good too you could make an actual movie with different scnes and such your art style is pretty amazing I like the visual effects here too anyways no changes here it was pretty good work.

no changes here it was pretty good


Ben-ky responds:

Thank you!!!

Some cool things

Fun the art style was smooth especially with the lock characters anyways no changes needed here, I really like the randomness of it all, this was pretty entertaining and some nice fun stylish visual elements here, you have some good ideas and you made thim come a live here with this one so really nice job here, I look forward to even more of this randomness.

the art style was smooth especially with the lock characters anyways no changes needed here


JujubeLock responds:

Dude, stop reviewing 11 year old flash. You have a serious problem. You have been doing this compulsive reviewing thing for almost 20 years now. Please seek professional help.

And yes, I understand that you gave a positive review, but I seriously do not care. Coming back to this site on a whim and seeing you up to your old habit is just sad.


So this was an entertaining film the voices are really good I think if you added some subtitles on these it would really go well the voices were by far the best thing here but subtitles would really be nice, anyways keep up the good work as this was a fun and entertaining flick.

subtitles would really be nice


A fun Cool Things

This one was wild but very entertaining I especially like the ronald mcdonalds at the start, maybe the screen size could be a tad larger, so here was another entry of cool things these are always so random but I have to say I really like the randomness of it all, this was pretty entertaining and some nice fun stylish visual elements here so a fun movie style here great entertainment.

maybe the screen size could be a tad larger



So another underwater adventure here as always cute artsy like art and funny random characters the music fit well here aswell you have done some nice things with your series and I like how pleasent this particular one was anyways great stuff here.

great stuff here no need for changes


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