I like it
I found this submission a delight even though there are some things that could be cleaned up a tad I found alot of nifty things about this and that made it pretty interesting so nice job. But with all Criticisms aside there are various endeavors to look through this flash. This was a really good production, lots of great characters awsome animation and even a pretty good story to go along with it. you really make it into a story of epic portions. I Endorse this interesting flash So here in the end you have shined up the edges and made this shine with some flavor, this was a pleasure and I do hope you keep making stuff like this as it was a good effort so nice job overall.
The only way to get better at flash is to create more stuff and submit more stuff. You have proven that you can draw and that you have your own style, The onlything here would be to have some "VOICES" to go along with the convos that mario and other characters have with eachother.