((( DECENT )))
Hey i liked this one, his head seems abit big, and i thaight it ran abit laggy, nice images though, maybe more pics would help, overall its decent...
((( DECENT )))
Hey i liked this one, his head seems abit big, and i thaight it ran abit laggy, nice images though, maybe more pics would help, overall its decent...
I wasn't sure about the cursor, so I'm going to make it a bit smaller, and I'm going to add more pictures, and a short movie. Thanks for the advice.
((( LOVE IT )))
Wow thats a nice game, i must have spent like 10 minutes on this game with all the crazy wiggkes and twists, it addictive, but fun, very entertaining, just loved it, maybe add some music...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: Twist the chain...
((( DECENT )))
Ok well notbad, im a fan of thease type of games have a few myself, it was goos work, your first game well its a good start, nice amount of items, also like the knife with blood, maybe get some animated items they seem to be cool, and i like that you have music on this dress-up as most dont, and who is mike hehe anyways great job...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A good dress-up, but who is mike...
haha thanks ...well..Mike would be me...i unno im an amateur flash artist i guess..meaning im not great ..but yeah im making a flash site thingy so yeah
((( WOW )))
Wow great action scripting, cause to beable to get a game like this on flash is just awsome, great scrolling, the game was not laggy at all, the game play was nice and smooth, maybe make the shooting a key all by itself, art was of high quality stuff, sounds was clear and crisp, overall this was just a test but it was still awsome great work...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A test of a great game...
man, if there were more people out there like you, it would be a-lot-better world!
thanks for the comments. What you just said is the EXACT reason I find time to make my flash movies. I'll be sure to try really hard to continue the game and finish it. Thanks man, it feels good!
((( WHOAAAA )))
Hey level one was tough, but god level 2 was hel hard, they drop so fast, hehe anyways nice idea, great little fun game, keep it going...
MOVIE COMMENTARY A fun little tough game, for all the family to enjoy...
Your review sounded great, so why the 4? I need to know what I could improve...
It sounds as if your only problem was that it was too hard?
Sorry 'bout that... hopefully I'll have it sorted out by the time Skears 2 comes out and hopefully you'll enjoy my other stuff in the meantime. :)
Stay funky!
Love the animations
Heh that was cool, i love the animation when i hit a astroid, great game with a twist, anywasy great job, it was very entertaining. A classic game with a twist...
Hehe cheers. Its good to get a good review from a top reviewer.
The scene when you hit an asteroid is my fav bit too.
Glad you liked it!
((( COOL )))
Hhahaha a well done stick death thingie, i like the set-up, the art was cool, and the animation was nice and smooth, the sounds well they are always funny when homer is there, anyways great job, keep it up...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A funny little stick death thingie...
Hehe, thanks man for the great review!
OK notbad, like a dress-up nice amount of buttons, black n white was cool kinda reminded me of old style cartoons, could use some sounds, good work though, keep it up...
MOVIE COMMENTARY: A good interactive button dress-up face thingie...
hey, thanks man. this was my first shot at making a game. i have some more on my site - www.mkremix.com.
((( NOTBAD )))
Heheh a decent shooter uper, with some good diff as you move along, i wouldnt mind seeing more artwork though, but overall it ran smooth and had good gameplay, so notbad...
whell.. fuck it what can i say!.. IAM AMUSIN!!!!!!!!!!
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