((( HEH )))
Well the game is fun, but i have played this exact same source fla from flashkit one tomany times, it is a fun game, just didnt notice any changes from the original fla from flashkit...
((( HEH )))
Well the game is fun, but i have played this exact same source fla from flashkit one tomany times, it is a fun game, just didnt notice any changes from the original fla from flashkit...
that could be because i made the fla... and put it on flashkit! this is a bit newer one than the one i have on FK tho
((( HEY )))
AWsome just like your music, you should have used your own audio since its just as if not better, nice one though, glad to see you doing flash...
ok. My next game coming out has my music in it! Me and my friend "computermage" are currently working on completing the Xern series, and as of this moment where about 50% of the way done.
((( OK )))
Hmmm yep handguns i would say so 3 of them aswell, the ps32 didnt do much but maybe a sound, maybe use thease guns in some action scene with a character or somthing, not much to this but good choice of music...
Erm, it has 5 guns. Look at the second page. You missed the socom mk23 and the beretta.
((( NICE )))
Hey nice job all 10's ya it was a tut that had alot of helpfull stuff, so it will do good for all the newb i mean all the new and great youn users we get to newgrounds, ha anyways it was cool, oh and i to will replay to all reviews and 5 it, so feel free to head on over to lazlow radio 4 thanks...
Thanks wayne. Didn't make a GREAT deal of sense there, but I got the gist :P Thanks!
((( LOL )))
Hahahaa, ok some of the audio from different movies was cool, but it kept n going and going didnt stop ohwell kinda neat and abit fun...
Yeah, I could have added some stop all sounds scripts in, but I figured most people would let the sound finish playing before moving on to the next one. I bet you aced this quiz eh? I mean you have seen just about every movie. How could you miss the more popular ones? :P
((( HAHA )))
That was great i liked this one, good voicing, but just so you know even with that method it can still be bypassed, heh ohwell, anyways funny, music was a nice touch, it was decent...
Well, i didn't know! ;) Good review
((( COOL MUSIC )))
Cool music, really was neat to hear good music on this kinda game,, where did you get the source flashkit ha well its ok everyone and his mamma does it, anyways cool space shooter allthough its abit laggy...
I programmed all of it myself, though music was, amongst other places, from Flashkit.
((( HEH )))
Ya that was cool, even if i have seen about 10 pong games all week, great backrounds, and decent gameplay, just not so original...
thank ya kindly man. glad you like.
((( NICE GAME )))
Hey that was a cool game, different from alot of shooters that come thru here, it was hard, but fun, and great effects at the starting...
Thanks man.. I didn't intend to make something so, seemingly, misogynistic but I think it's pretty fun.
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