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A nifty board

I like the setup here but needs much more buttons and sounds, So here was a nifty board you have here, I like these particular sounds you have on this one some really nice sound work on these, I could see you adding "SOME-POLISH" but overall this was a decent board that you have presented here I love sound boards and this was notbad at all.

needs much more buttons and sounds


These are cool

Well this was a cool board you have here you have some unique sounds with this one, it sort of just jumps out at you with some "INTERESTING-SOUNDS", but I like that and it was a good put together board even, so "NICE-JOB-ON-THIS" sound board here it has flavor.

The sound was scratchy might wanna be something to polish up.


Decent Game

Wow I have to say this was a new twist on the classic game of pacman but you did pretty good, the graphics was notbad on this one and you have some nice effects too so no major changes here as it was pretty fun of a game, I do look forward to even more from you.

no major changes here as it was pretty fun of a game


A cool Game

So this one here was a nice "GAME" you have some nice element here, and the game was different and unique, no changes here this was an awsome game, It is Evident that you know what you are doing and the outcome in this flash shows that off, You have the right Technique and right ideas to make this as awsome as it is and has been. You have Accuratley put things together and make them work aswell, you have some good stuff here enough for a Highlights reel hehe, anyways nice job here.

no changes here this was an awsome game


A fun game here

Well this was a fun game had some loading issues at the start but overall this was a fun game here, A good game here now I did however see some stuff that could do with some extras just a few areas here and there, but mostly I like what you have here, I was pleased with your game, keep up what you are doing cause you do have some nice skills showing here on this. So as this flash is Evaluated, I find that you have the right Attitude and direction.

had some loading issues at the start but overall this was a fun game here


EggysGames responds:

Thank you XwaynecoltX, glad you liked it. Thank you for the review :)


The game was nice but seems like there graphics and art could be better maybe some added shades and more details, some added kill options too, A nice game here with some nice and nifty kill options, I remember back in the day these use to be a "DIME-A-DOZEN" and nothing much new from each new one but I find this "PARTICULAR-ONE" pretty interesting and just a fun game to kill with some interesting kill options.

The game was nice but seems like there graphics and art could be better maybe some added shades and more details, some added kill options too


Wow Nice game

Haha I had fun with this one, does need better backround and more kill options, Alright so while this is a classic of a game from back in the day it still has some entertaining value about it with its good and "UNIQUE-KILL-OPTIONS" but thats what I love the most about "THIS-GAME-AND-GAMES-LIKE-IT" so in my opinion you did well here and hope more can be made someday.

does need better backround and more kill options


A unique game here

Seems like you could ad much more options and the hit target for the buttons could also be better, So this was a unique game it presentes some good creativity as it is a dress-up and allows you to dressup the design in many ways sometimes some added stuff is always a plus you have a nice idea with this one, And "I-LOVE-THE-CREATIVITY" in this one, so nice work indeed.

Seems like you could ad much more options and the hit target for the buttons could also be better


Great creative game

Nice madness creator A great game of creativity here yes all it is is a simple dress-up but its an entertaining one and the idea to dress up or dress down was that this was pretty cool all on its own, and "I-REALLY-LIKED-IT", you have a "GOOD-CREATIVE-STYLE" especially with this game here.

the music was nice, some added detail on the backrounds would be cool.


Swell Game

Needs more So this was a swell game with some decent quality to it the sound board style is always something fun here and you have executed it well with some potential to even make it better for the mostpart of this whole game it was nice and "REFRESHING" as you dont see these kinds too much anymore.

I would suggest make the buttons smaller and ad more sound options to this.


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