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Great board

And once again I find myself finding a nice gem of a sound-board and you have done pretty good with this board the sound is notbad, it could be "POLISHED" on some parts but overall this is a "GREAT-SOUND-BOARD", and I look forward to anymore sound board work like this one.

Maybe some improved interface on this some added animation to go with the sounds would be cool too.


Cool game

So this one here was a fun game, and its one of those games that you could ad some medals and make it more fun have it so theres different goals or most things destroyed for medal achievments but other then that this was a fun game, and I like the old style game here and the top view was pretty good too.

its one of those games that you could ad some medals and make it more fun have it so theres different goals or most things destroyed for medal achievments but other then that this was a fun game


scpgames responds:

I can see about that. Sadly, this game is not my focus. I was hoping for it to be a PvP game, but it never really caught on that way. Maybe some day I'll reboot it with your suggestions. Thanks!

Fun game here

So I have to say that this game here was actually pretty fun, and you bring on some nice "GRAPHICS" with some nice details, the controls and gameplay really responded well, the color was vibrant, I honestly believe the onlything this game is missing is some medals and it would keep the excitement going strong on this game so think about adding some medals, great game here.

I honestly believe the onlything this game is missing is some medals and it would keep the excitement going strong on this game so think about adding some medals


Nifty Sound Board

You should change it up a little ad ad some changing or rotating graphics for different sounds, and here was a nifty soundboard you have created its always nice to find one of these boards among the portal because they dont seem to be made all that much, but I do have to say that "THEY-ARE-STILL-NIFTY", some added polish on this particular one would be nice.

You should change it up a little ad ad some changing or rotating graphics for different sounds


Nice and sleek sound

So the sound was decent but the interface look of this could have been much better, You have a sleek design on this game allthough it is just a small soundboard it is still "PRETTY-NIFTY-OF-A-GAME" the sound quality is ok but seems like it could be better but thats for another day, you have a nice detail of "THIS-SPECIFIC-BOARD", so nice effort here.

So the sound was decent but the interface look of this could have been much better


Wow nice game

The "ART" alone on this game was very nice and I found it to be artistic so nice job there, the music was awsome aswell, the controls a little confusing at first but overall good stuff, So not to cut things short, but you do have something nifty here and I was pretty impressed, wouldnt mind seeing more added into this to make it even more fun and interesting but you have done pretty good sofar. Infact This flash was Explosive, Crisply presented and Grippingly detailed You did it Tastefully and I am Confident everyone will enjoy it as much as I did.

the controls a little confusing at first but overall good stuff


Another Kill game

Ad more "WEAPON" choices and some backround detail, Alright so here is another kill game and these are always fun to come onto, they have different ways of killing and you have presented "SOME-NICE-IDEAS" in this one with the kill options and such, a "FUN-GAME-ELEMENT" and these were the talk of the town back in the day and now you dont see too much of them.

Ad more weapon choices and some backround detail


Nifty game

A nifty game you have here dress ups are a "DIME-A-DOZEN" but with this one you ad your own "LITTLE-TWIST" to the game and make it unique in its own way and thats what I have enjoyed about this particular dress-up game, "LOVE-THE-PROPS" and items you have created here.

Some extra props wouldnt hurt and some backround selections would also be nice.


DoctorGordonLMK responds:

B doesn't need a background biatch

also what "LITTLE-TWIST" are you talking about?

These are good games

So this is some good game here, I like the kill options on this, and think you could ad more kill options, also think adding more effects along with those kill options would be "A-BIG-PLUS" on things, you pushed some "NICE-EFFORT-ON-THIS-GAME", so nice work here on this one.

Improve on the art and graphics a tad more.



So this was kind of cool I like dress up games myself and this one is pretty South Park was never my thing but I found this game to be fun the topic is good with the South Park elements the graphics are notbad some added props here and there could be added but I have to say as a whole this was a pretty fun game you have prepared here for us all and hope you make more of these kinds

A few more random props and whatnot


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