
11,872 Game Reviews

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Very nice

So this was a very nice game you have the idea on killing those girls was kind of nifty I like the energy in this and the effort is there too you have some good ideas but some added interactivity wouldn't hurt on this game as it was a fun and stylish little game you have here I enjoyed it very much just feel it needs more interactivity but as always great game here I look forward to more of these game types

Some more interactivity would be cool


Decent game

So this was a decent game you have a nice game with some fun activities and that's what makes this fun I do think the vibrant colors really push this one over the edge it possibly could use some bonus like area and you could gain special stuff in that area but overall you have done well on this game with some nice styles here so I for one will look forward to much more from you

Some mini game within or a bonus round or room might help for excitement



So this was notbad at all it was actually kind of fun and has some entertaining moments so the gameplay is pretty nifty if you ask me you have a nice style of game here needs more interactivity though so more of that and should be solid

More interactivity



So this was pretty cool glad to see this game has lasted all this time has some nice options I finally got that guy after a bit you have a nice game here keep up the good work

Not sure it was really solid for as old as it is


Notbad here

So this was notbad of a game you have going on here it seems to hold up all on it's own with a nice style about it and there is some decent fun factor about this one so I did have fun with the gameplay of it all no changes needed here

Your game is fun and active no changes needed


This was fun

So you have a nice and fun type of game here I like the idea of it but does seem to need more effects more flashy effects overall you have some nice work though and I was impressed with this element of design here so really nice work

More flashy effects for sure



So this game was notbad here, it was rather "SIMPLE" with the "GRAPHICS" I think you can improve on this game with some improved walls and doors even some added effects here and there especially on some impact moments, the gameplay is fun and this was notbad of a game.

I think you can improve on this game with some improved walls and doors even some added effects here and there especially on some impact moments


Really cool game

So this was a really cool "GAME" and the "MEDALS" were a nice touch, the guns and weapons play welll there is a lot of nice ai in this, onlything I would ad onto this might be adding some small buts of color and such into this, So now I come to the end of the review, And i dont want to drag on things about the game/ submission, but there are some things that could be cleaned up and fixed for the netter and even some improvments so hope this review has helped for a few ideas on making things betterm so take a look and maybe try one or two, anyways good luck in the future projects.

onlything I would ad onto this might be adding some small buts of color and such into this


Cool game

So this was a cool game, the "GAMEPLAY" is pretty decent here the movment was nice this game lacks some "MEDALS" so adding some medals to this game would be a plus and make it more exciting, I enjoy this submission for what it is, it has some good potential to be even better and even more, just have to take the effort and push the ideas fourth but anyways you have the concept down now you just have to capitlize on it. so the Highlights of tis entry is that you have done it Tastefully, and there are some areas you can still Rejuvinate.

this game lacks some "MEDALS" so adding some medals to this game would be a plus and make it more exciting


MartinJacob responds:

Thank you :) We didn't think about adding medals, but that's definitely a consideration for our future games. Follow us to keep up !

Have a good one ~

Wow great game

The "EFFECTS" are notbad at all on this one, the idea of the game is pretty good and the controls are easy to handle the graphics are intense and the music fits well so really nice game here, Maybe think about adding some achievment medals for this game, And with all that said you have a pretty decent entry here, i had fun with this submission, and I do look forward to more of what you may have in store for us in the future, so keep up the good efforts, ill keep an eye out for your next entry. I got some good Satisfaction out of this flash, You have effectively got the ball rolling on this one.

think about adding some achievment medals for this game


TheEnkian responds:

Thanks for playing and I'm very glad you enjoyed it so much :) Only issue with NG achievements is that the game is in HTML5 rather than Flash.

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