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Wow nice

Now this was actually fun you made that second one a little hard but love what you did here with color and color effects all came off very well, controls are pretty smooth too, and love the music too, So my perspective on this whole thing was that this brought excitement this brought entertainment and this also brought some good ol fun, so this reviewer is an instant fan Impressed from start to finish you know exactly what you are doing so keep doing that It was a divine entry, controls are pretty smooth too, and love the music too


Entertaining game

So this was a fun game really keeps your fingers moving especially with the jumping of the square You have made this out to be an outstanding and Professional game submission now dont get me wrong it does have some spots here and there that could be better, but im sure you will ultimately get to that, but overall this is a good piece of game and I was pleased to see it in its entirely, so nice effort and good job all around on this one



So the game here was pretty good this one has a very good story plot element A well engineered game you have here but it was a very good game to start off with anyways I must say this was a pretty fantastic game for the mostpart it was a highly entertaining game, The slide mechanic is nice but takes a bit it kept my interest and has some nice visuals and graphics that really came together, Overall a fun and good game


Fun one

This game was pretty fun there are some nice waves that come through simple to understand and the gameplay is nice You have something decent here Its a good game pretty nifty infact ultimately it was still a fun game entery and had lots of positive points that I came to enjoy, Some nice graphics in this game and keeps you interested so keep up with that I had fun with this one And once again this was a decent game I really liked what you presented, anyways nice game fun and addictive


Very nice

First of all some really nice music and second all the art of madness was really good you showcased some really nice style here, almost think you could have pushed even more art styles too but overall it was a nice art collab type


A fantastic game

Wow this was pretty good I love the story based element plus the pixel and some really nice music too Well this was a fantastic game and pixel related it brings on some good pixel visuals and details the game itself has some nice gameplay but I really enjoyed the pixel element on this whole game here and made the game itself more fun in the l ok ngrun so nice pixel related game



Wow you have really impressed me with your game its very original, and well animated. The gameplay is wonderful, and i love how you got the idea to kill things with bleach, and the sounds are just really well done too Keep up the great work.



It was funny, nice action scripting, the backrounds could be improved though, it was cool though, made me laugh, the first few guys wouldnt die for me oh well it was fun


Fun one

Haha i didnt know people still made dress-ups but hey its notbad, kinda cool, i like it, and lots of item options, i like the old drag and drop method abit better hehe



Well notbad, it was fun and decent, could have been more to do and maybe a better design of the drums but still ok infact its a nice set up just needs some slight upgrades and such


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