
11,872 Game Reviews

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Well this was notbad I like some of the action in this and as an action shooter its pretty good, I do feel like it could have more challange to it more bonus elements, This game does have its own charm to it and thats what I like about it


A fun platformer here you bring on some fun elements, I think adding on more achievments and more secrete ones would be nice, The art and graphics on this was nice, and the game itself was pretty fun a nice platformer here


Quest for pancake is a fun lil game here I really like what you do here with the graphics too, This was straight to the point simple and fun game here, You must have some good programming because this has some good Buzz about it


A good point and click game here as always these point and click games are pretty fun some refreshing graphics on them and this particular one was notbad at all, It was a decent game to say the least I played it for a bit and there was some interesting things about it


Very fun This game was very fun, and somewhat addictive, i love the ball and its response to the keyboard, the different things in the game was fun like killing of the sticks and different goals to get over very fun, you could use some backgrounds though.


Addictive This game was neat, and while I played games like this one, this had a good feel about it like effects and sounds like the explosions, and the lighting effects when hitting the bombs, very neat game, i hope to see more soon


This was a fun game, and I also like how there was a story Option Aswell, as for the game it was fun, and the enemies were ok, and you presented some good backgrounds like the trees and stuff, more different levels would be great, as well as other types of enemies, nice game though, hope to see more soon


Well its entertaining ing for sure the run and gun style is nice but this one has more of a fun factor about it and thats what I liked about it


These types of games are always fun especially with the gravity style here you gave it a nice fun factor though I like this one so nice job


Ok nice game so here was something different the idea is fun I like the style here and its fun and entertaining some good energy too


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